Tantra teaches that touch can be very powerful when used with the intent to heal and awaken another person. With an open mind and some practice anyone can learn how to give and receive Tantric healing touch. Learning how to give and receive touch with presence offers many benefits.
1) The body relaxes open and releases blocked energy.
2) It increases awareness and supports whole-body healing.
3) It awakens the senses, allowing ecstatic energy expand and flow.
4) It creates a conscious connection between the giver and the receiver.
Set aside some time to share healing touch with a friend or lover. Shut off the phones and make sure you won't be disturbed for at least an hour or two. This kind of touch can be done clothed, partially clothed or nude, depending on your level of comfort. Create a comfortable place to practice. The area needs to be warm, clutter free, with soft lighting and relaxing music. You can work on a massage table, the floor or a bed.
Do a Heart Salutation. In Tantra we use the Sanskrit word, Namaste' which means I honor the Divine in you, as a reflection of the Divine within me. Begin this practice by sitting across from your partner and looking into their eyes. Maintain eye contact throughout the process. Next, extend your arms towards the earth, palms together. Inhale and keeping your hands in prayer position, bring them to your heart. Exhale, as you bow forward and acknowledge the Divine in each other by saying, “Namaste." Inhale, as you straighten back up. Finally, exhale as you allow your hands return to the starting position, pointed towards the earth.
Now, take a few minutes each to share your desires, fears and boundaries. A boundary is what you need to feel safe and stay open. Agree on the amount of time you are committed to sharing this experience. If you are both going to give and receive then divide the time equally. Decide who will give and who will receive first.
The receiver then lies down with the intention of surrendering into each moment and letting go. The giver holds the intention of being a conduit for healing, a "hollow bone" for the Divine to move through. Both of you let go of anything outside this very moment.
The giver begins by connecting to the energy body of the receiver. Very slowly, with your hands 6-10 inches above them scan their entire body. See what you notice. Encourage the receiver to breathe deeply into their belly and make sounds as they exhale. Let your breath begin to synchronize with theirs. As you scan the body notice areas that feel tight, cold, or lack energy. Also notice areas that may feel open, hot or flowing. Gently stroke the energy body until it begins to feel smooth and integrated.
When it feels right, slowly place your hands on their body and take some time "to be" with the body before you begin "doing" anything to it. Slowly, intuitively begin to touch them. Allow the session to emerge organically in the moment, not with your mind making a plan or having a goal. Listen to their feedback and follow their requests with your complete attention. At times you may ask for guidance. Where do they want to be touched? How do they want to be touched? If they don't want to speak ask them to give you feedback only if something does not feel good.
It is important for the receiver to offer positive feedback often. By saying yes or making sounds, such as, ahhhh or hummm. This confirms you like what is unfolding. When giving verbal feedback use the sandwich technique. 1) Give an appreciation.2) Ask for the change. 3) Say thank you. Here is an example. "It feels so good to have my feet caressed. It would feel even better if you used a little more pressure. Thank you let feels great!
This is an opportunity to practice the art of devotion. Touch this person as if they are a God or Goddess. Really allow Love to flow out of your heart, through your hands and into them. Allow this practice to become a meditation, a melting into the One. End by spooning together. Take some time to share your experiences and then switch roles if that was the agreement.
(C) Copyright 2009, Crystal Dawn Morris, all rights reserved.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Tantra, Erectile Dysfunction, and Health
Recently, I had a retired couple in their 70's come to me for Tantra coaching, after over 50 years of marriage they wanted some new tools to spice up their love life. He explained that he had ED and used Viagra. He had heard that Tantra could help make erections stronger and last longer. I explained that he was correct. I told him I could also teach him ways to connect energetically so both he and his wife could feel pleasure even if he wasn't fully hard. They scheduled two, 2 hour sessions.
At the first session I taught them how to use breath, sound and movement to open the inner flute. They also learned how activate the "PC Pump." This involves squeezing the pubococcygeus muscle or "PC muscle," which is a hammock-like muscle, found in both sexes, that stretches from the pubic bone to the coccyx (tail bone) forming the floor of the pelvic cavity and supporting the pelvic organs. It is part of the levator ani group of muscles. It controls urine flow and contracts during orgasm. It aids in urinary control and childbirth. A strong PC muscle has also been linked to a reduction in urinary incontinence and proper positioning of the baby's head during childbirth. Women are often taught how to do this exercise in pregnancy where it is referred to as Kegel exercises. I also taught them sexual breathing and how to connect their chakras and move sexual energy energetically. By the end of the two hours they were ready to go back to their hotel and practice.
The next day they returned for their second coaching session. The husband happily revealed that he had woken up with an erection and made love to his wife that morning. This was a rather unusual occurrence. He felt the session the day before had been very helpful and his wife agreed.
I spent the second session teaching them a communication exercise, eye gazing and the ecstatic response. They loved the communication exercise and found the eye gazing very moving. The ecstatic response is a 3 step process for experiencing a full body orgasm. This was a bit more physically challenging for them, due some physical limitations. So I had them practice lying down in the spoon and scissors position. They both felt some energy movement and found the breathing together very pleasurable. I reassured them that with practice they would be able to get their orgasmic energy flowing even more fully though out their entire bodies.
It was a real inspiration working with this couple. Tantra can help people at any age improve their sexual pleasure and increase the over-all health and vitality. If you'd like to learn more about Crystal's Tantra events or caching sessions sign up for her free monthly newsletter at: http://www.TantraforAwakening.com
Here are a couple of more links about the Health Benefits of Tantric Sex:
(C) Copyright 2009, Crystal Dawn Morris, all rights reserved.
At the first session I taught them how to use breath, sound and movement to open the inner flute. They also learned how activate the "PC Pump." This involves squeezing the pubococcygeus muscle or "PC muscle," which is a hammock-like muscle, found in both sexes, that stretches from the pubic bone to the coccyx (tail bone) forming the floor of the pelvic cavity and supporting the pelvic organs. It is part of the levator ani group of muscles. It controls urine flow and contracts during orgasm. It aids in urinary control and childbirth. A strong PC muscle has also been linked to a reduction in urinary incontinence and proper positioning of the baby's head during childbirth. Women are often taught how to do this exercise in pregnancy where it is referred to as Kegel exercises. I also taught them sexual breathing and how to connect their chakras and move sexual energy energetically. By the end of the two hours they were ready to go back to their hotel and practice.
The next day they returned for their second coaching session. The husband happily revealed that he had woken up with an erection and made love to his wife that morning. This was a rather unusual occurrence. He felt the session the day before had been very helpful and his wife agreed.
I spent the second session teaching them a communication exercise, eye gazing and the ecstatic response. They loved the communication exercise and found the eye gazing very moving. The ecstatic response is a 3 step process for experiencing a full body orgasm. This was a bit more physically challenging for them, due some physical limitations. So I had them practice lying down in the spoon and scissors position. They both felt some energy movement and found the breathing together very pleasurable. I reassured them that with practice they would be able to get their orgasmic energy flowing even more fully though out their entire bodies.
It was a real inspiration working with this couple. Tantra can help people at any age improve their sexual pleasure and increase the over-all health and vitality. If you'd like to learn more about Crystal's Tantra events or caching sessions sign up for her free monthly newsletter at: http://www.TantraforAwakening.com
Here are a couple of more links about the Health Benefits of Tantric Sex:
(C) Copyright 2009, Crystal Dawn Morris, all rights reserved.
erectile dysfunction,
One Tantra,
Monday, December 7, 2009
Tantra - A Spiritual Path for Planetary Awakening
I recently discovered this article on my friend Jivana's website http://www.tantrichealingtouch.com/ and it is reprinted with her permission. This article does a wonderful job of explaiing that tantra is about much more than sex, it is about the transformation of global consciousness. I hope you enjoy it! I would love to hear your comments.
If you're like many people I know, the word Tantra conjures images of generously endowed gods and goddesses in lusty cement poses, circling ancient temples in the Far East. At a glance, it may generate thoughts of a hedonistic culture that fell to it's demise through over indulgence in the physical senses. When you hear it in a modern context does it cause discomfort for reasons not fully understood by the conscious mind?
Please allow me to attempt to demystify the ancient spiritual path of tantra, and try to reveal how it may relate to a great healing of our planet and Her people. I use the pronoun 'Her' because in Her fertility and Her ability to recreate life, the earth may be seen as a 'she'....and in that sense she requires the male principle to spark and protect her generativity so that she may continue her cycles of replenishment. The yin and the yang that make up the whole. No higher or lower is implied here. Both are vital to the creation of balance and wholeness.
The ultimate goal or essential experience of the ancient tantrika was union with God. Oneness with all life. Sometimes called nirvana, or samadhi, or enlightenment. The ancient tantrikas had awakened to the reality that in the depths of sexual union, partners became gods and goddesses, illuminated by the uninhibited flow of source energy. Thus the union of the lovers became an energetic prayer that blessed the relationship, the family, the community and the world. These ancients were a matriarchal culture honoring the abundant capacity of the feminine principle to open, energize and shine light, beauty, and replenishment upon all within her energyfield. They understood that all sentient beings emerge from the union of male and female and to honor this aspect of life was to bring honor to the forces of nature, and nurture their divinity.
But to think that tantra was all about sex is akin to thinking the tail is the elephant. The tantric path was about bringing awareness and balance to every aspect of life. And thus the use of meditation to quiet the mind, bring attention into the body and into the present moment was one of the vital disciplines of the tantric initiate. They saw themselves as a part of a much greater interconnected whole and dedicated their union responsibly to the balance and upliftment of the whole. Does that make you wonder what kind of world we might be living in now if that path had flourished? It does me.
Emerging out of the awareness of the physical empowerment and spiritual enlightenment that became available in the union of two, came the path of yoga, which also means union with the divine, and seeks to harness the power of source energy through awareness of breath, postures and disciplines, and create a meditative awareness in the yogi and yogini. Tantra yoga is the aspect of yoga and one of a very few spiritual paths on our planet that uses the most vital force of nature to create more consciousness of the god that dwells within and animates physical form.
Well then, where did we go wrong? I suppose if we look at our current planetary predicament from a place of non-duality then everything is at this moment, perfect as it is. All is just grist for the evolutionary mill. But a quick look at some of the historical elements (and forgive me here... I am a very simple historian), may evoke a spark of a ha..
The postulation that Christ and Magdalene were adepts in the Egyptian mystery schools, married and tantric lovers is not the exclusive idea of Dan Brown in the Da Vinci Code. Many contemporary religious and secular writers believe this, and I have heard it said that Christ evoked the power of their sacred union to endure the crucifixion. Then as the Christian religions were forming, and men were exerting their dominance and control, Magdalene became a whore and sex became a sin, except in situations deemed virtuous by the all powerful patriarchal church. And humanity as a whole, began to fear and mistrust its own basic nature. I ask you, what might the world look like if Christ were not the celibate son of a virgin mother, and Magdalene was not cast as a prostitute? The implication that sex is bad is buried deep in our collective psyche.. The contemporary theologian Matthew Fox calls the church's attitude towards sex the mortal sin of religion. And the Indian Tantric master Osho claimed that sex was the elemental pathway to the flowering of love and consciousness.To repress a society is to be able to control it, and limits growth, awareness and spiritual development.
In my practice for the past 16 years I see daily the fallout of this. People starving for touch and intimacy, who are as though traversing a foreign territory. We have all the tools to dangerously overpopulate the earth, but have we yet harnessed the love to sustain it?
We need to reclaim and honor the wholesomeness of our natural humanity, forgive each other for our past blindness, and emerge a victorious people moving purposefully into a new age of love, peace, sensuality and enlightenment. This then frees us to replenish our beautiful planet with our love, and the ecstatic recognition of our intrinsic and eternal Oneness..
If you're like many people I know, the word Tantra conjures images of generously endowed gods and goddesses in lusty cement poses, circling ancient temples in the Far East. At a glance, it may generate thoughts of a hedonistic culture that fell to it's demise through over indulgence in the physical senses. When you hear it in a modern context does it cause discomfort for reasons not fully understood by the conscious mind?
Please allow me to attempt to demystify the ancient spiritual path of tantra, and try to reveal how it may relate to a great healing of our planet and Her people. I use the pronoun 'Her' because in Her fertility and Her ability to recreate life, the earth may be seen as a 'she'....and in that sense she requires the male principle to spark and protect her generativity so that she may continue her cycles of replenishment. The yin and the yang that make up the whole. No higher or lower is implied here. Both are vital to the creation of balance and wholeness.
The ultimate goal or essential experience of the ancient tantrika was union with God. Oneness with all life. Sometimes called nirvana, or samadhi, or enlightenment. The ancient tantrikas had awakened to the reality that in the depths of sexual union, partners became gods and goddesses, illuminated by the uninhibited flow of source energy. Thus the union of the lovers became an energetic prayer that blessed the relationship, the family, the community and the world. These ancients were a matriarchal culture honoring the abundant capacity of the feminine principle to open, energize and shine light, beauty, and replenishment upon all within her energyfield. They understood that all sentient beings emerge from the union of male and female and to honor this aspect of life was to bring honor to the forces of nature, and nurture their divinity.
But to think that tantra was all about sex is akin to thinking the tail is the elephant. The tantric path was about bringing awareness and balance to every aspect of life. And thus the use of meditation to quiet the mind, bring attention into the body and into the present moment was one of the vital disciplines of the tantric initiate. They saw themselves as a part of a much greater interconnected whole and dedicated their union responsibly to the balance and upliftment of the whole. Does that make you wonder what kind of world we might be living in now if that path had flourished? It does me.
Emerging out of the awareness of the physical empowerment and spiritual enlightenment that became available in the union of two, came the path of yoga, which also means union with the divine, and seeks to harness the power of source energy through awareness of breath, postures and disciplines, and create a meditative awareness in the yogi and yogini. Tantra yoga is the aspect of yoga and one of a very few spiritual paths on our planet that uses the most vital force of nature to create more consciousness of the god that dwells within and animates physical form.
Well then, where did we go wrong? I suppose if we look at our current planetary predicament from a place of non-duality then everything is at this moment, perfect as it is. All is just grist for the evolutionary mill. But a quick look at some of the historical elements (and forgive me here... I am a very simple historian), may evoke a spark of a ha..
The postulation that Christ and Magdalene were adepts in the Egyptian mystery schools, married and tantric lovers is not the exclusive idea of Dan Brown in the Da Vinci Code. Many contemporary religious and secular writers believe this, and I have heard it said that Christ evoked the power of their sacred union to endure the crucifixion. Then as the Christian religions were forming, and men were exerting their dominance and control, Magdalene became a whore and sex became a sin, except in situations deemed virtuous by the all powerful patriarchal church. And humanity as a whole, began to fear and mistrust its own basic nature. I ask you, what might the world look like if Christ were not the celibate son of a virgin mother, and Magdalene was not cast as a prostitute? The implication that sex is bad is buried deep in our collective psyche.. The contemporary theologian Matthew Fox calls the church's attitude towards sex the mortal sin of religion. And the Indian Tantric master Osho claimed that sex was the elemental pathway to the flowering of love and consciousness.To repress a society is to be able to control it, and limits growth, awareness and spiritual development.
In my practice for the past 16 years I see daily the fallout of this. People starving for touch and intimacy, who are as though traversing a foreign territory. We have all the tools to dangerously overpopulate the earth, but have we yet harnessed the love to sustain it?
We need to reclaim and honor the wholesomeness of our natural humanity, forgive each other for our past blindness, and emerge a victorious people moving purposefully into a new age of love, peace, sensuality and enlightenment. This then frees us to replenish our beautiful planet with our love, and the ecstatic recognition of our intrinsic and eternal Oneness..
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Tantra Teacher Certification in Sedona, Arizona 2010

If you are interested in becoming a successful Tantra Teacher or Coach in 2010 this program is for you! You learn how to embody what you teach and integrate it into your life. You will also be mentored throughout the training and receive the support you need to successfully get started teaching and coaching in your community.
The Art and Business of Teaching Tantra 2010
Certifying the Next Generation of Tantra teachers
February through October 2010
Sedona, Arizona, USA
This training will provide:
• A unique “Mentoring for Success” program
• Skills to sensitively navigate private coaching sessions
• A healthy relationship with your Inner Master Teacher
• Guidance in creating the vision, look and feel of your business
• Expertise to create effective, dynamic Tantra workshops and events
• Marketing ideas that generate income as a Tantra teacher and coach
Taught in 3 one-week modules:
1. February 26- March 4, 2010
2. May 21-27, 2010
3. August 27-September 2, 2010
This comprehensive nine month training offers a unique blend of knowledge and insight from a number of wisdom traditions. It will be taught in three modules. Between modules there will be monthly conference calls to track progress, offer support and answer questions. Individual coaching calls will be available. This program is designed to create successful Tantra teachers and coaches who make a difference in the world. Participants will be expected to integrate and teach what they learn between modules. The training will be taught at the Sedona School of Temple Arts.
The cost of this all-inclusive residential intensive is $6995. It includes 3 weeks of training, 9 conference calls, accommodations and 2 meals a day. SAVE $1000 if you register by January 26. Payment plans are available. The course is limited to sixteen people to insure individual attention. The price for locals is $4500.
PayPal is available at:
This course is taught by Crystal Dawn Morris, a Certified Sky Dancing Tantra Teacher and the founder of Tantra For Awakening. She draws on a diverse background as a shamanic healer, nurse-midwife, intimacy coach and entrepreneur.
Contact info: www.TantraForAwakening.com
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Tantra Tip of the Day- Write a Love Poem
Poetry can be powerful way to connect to the Divine. Write a Love Poem today. If you are single write a love poem to yourself or a friend. Here is one a wrote last summer.
Touching You
Touching you, I open.
No words spoken.
Breathing together,
I see God in your eyes.
Flesh against flesh,
Beneath cool sheets,
Subtle waves flowing.
Dreams carry me a way.
Cool lips entice me back,
Your breath on my face,
Warm, sweet as cherries,
I inhale you into my heart.
There are no words for love.
Moments of no separation,
Melting together beyond form,
On a sea of emptiness we ride.
Crystal Dawn
June 21, 2009
Learn about Crystal's events at www.TantraForAwakening.com
Touching You
Touching you, I open.
No words spoken.
Breathing together,
I see God in your eyes.
Flesh against flesh,
Beneath cool sheets,
Subtle waves flowing.
Dreams carry me a way.
Cool lips entice me back,
Your breath on my face,
Warm, sweet as cherries,
I inhale you into my heart.
There are no words for love.
Moments of no separation,
Melting together beyond form,
On a sea of emptiness we ride.
Crystal Dawn
June 21, 2009
Learn about Crystal's events at www.TantraForAwakening.com
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
The Tantra Tip of the Day- The Power of Tara the Divine Mother
The River
The river is flowing,
flowing and growing,
the river is flowing,
down to the sea.
Mother carry me,
A child I will always be,
Mother carry me,
down to the sea.
The river is flowing,
flowing and growing,
the river is flowing
down to the sea.
This song is one of my favorites because it always takes me immediately into my heart. Then I remember that I am not a single drop of water, I am one with the boundless Ocean of Consciouness. Sound is powerful and can be very healing. Tantra uses mantra and songs as tools for awareness, healing and transformation. If you are feeling alone and separate singing this song can be very helpful. While this is not a traditional Tantric song it reminds me of the Divine Mother, Tara.

Tara is a tantric meditation deity whose practice is used by practitioners of the Tibetan branch of Vajrayana Buddhism to develop certain inner qualities and understand outer, inner and secret teachings about compassion and emptiness. Tara is actually the generic name for a set of Buddhas or bodhisattvas of similar aspect. These may more properly be understood as different aspects of the same quality, as bodhisattvas are often considered metaphoric for Buddhist virtues.
Tārā has many stories told which explain her origin as a bodhisattva. One in particular has a lot of resonance for women interested in Buddhism and quite likely for those delving into early 21st century feminism.
In this tale there is a young princess who lives in a different world system, millions of years in the past. Her name is Yeshe Dawa, which means "Moon of Primordial Awareness". For quite a number of aeons she makes offerings to the Buddha of that world system, whose name was Tonyo Drupa. She receives special instruction from him concerning bodhicitta — the heart-mind of a bodhisattva. After doing this, some monks approach her and suggest that because of her level of attainment she should next pray to be reborn as a male to progress further. At this point she lets the monks know in no uncertain terms that from the point of view of Enlightenment it is only "weak minded worldlings" who see gender as a barrier to attaining enlightenment. She sadly notes there have been few who wish to work for the welfare of beings in a female form, though. Therefore she resolves to always be reborn as a female bodhisattva, until samsara is no more. She then stays in a palace in a state of meditation for some ten million years, and the power of this practice releases tens of millions of beings from suffering. As a result of this, Tonyo Drupa tells her she will henceforth manifest supreme bodhi as the Goddess Tārā in many world systems to come.
With this story in mind, it is interesting to juxtapose this with a quotation from H.H the Dalai Lama about Tārā, spoken at a conference on Compassionate Action in Newport Beach, CA in 1989:
There is a true feminist movement in Buddhism that relates to the goddess Tārā. Following her cultivation of bodhicitta, the bodhisattva's motivation, she looked upon the situation of those striving towards full awakening and she felt that there were too few people who attained Buddhahood as women. So she vowed, "I have developed bodhicitta as a woman. For all my lifetimes along the path I vow to be born as a woman, and in my final lifetime when I attain Buddhahood, then, too, I will be a woman."
Tārā, then, embodies certain ideals which make her attractive to women practitioners, and her emergence as a Bodhisattva can be seen as a part of Mahayana Buddhism's reaching out to women, and becoming more inclusive even in 6th century C.E. India.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Phoenix Sky Dancing Tantra Workshop Nov. 21-22, 2009

This weekend workshop is called Awakening the Ecstatic Body:From Sexual Union to Spiritual Communion
Discover how you can deepen your intimacy and use sexual energy to experience mystical states of awareness. We will also be exploring how sexual polarity can keep your relationship juicy. After this weekend you will have the ability to continue to use these skills on your own. This event is only a few days away, there are only a couple of spots left. If you want to attend please contact me ASAP.
There is no nudity in my classes. Cost is $300 per person. To register go to http://www.tantraforawakening.com/schedule.html
The flyer is available on line at http://www.TantraforAwakening.com.
Sexual Union,
Spiritual Communion,
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Visiting David Deida Land- The San Diego Event

I just returned from San Diego where I attended a weekend workshop with David Deida. It was the culmination of a year of in-depth study of his work which I have been doing, which included being part of an on-line group. I had a great time. It was wonderful to meet in-person some of the people I had been connecting with in David's online group which was called The Deida Connection.
My intention for the weekend was to keep my heart open under all conditions and that did happen. The group was large over 200 people in attendance. I could feel the depth of the group. David seemed open and relaxed. This was my second time attending a weekend. While the material was mostly the same, over all I enjoyed the experience. I am sorry I was not able to attend the week-long training as I would love to dive deeper and explore more of what David calls "Third Stage" relationships. Over-all it was a good weekend.
To learn more about David Deida go to http://www.deida.info/
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Tantra Tip of the Day- Be at Peace
I saw this video on Facebook and it communicates the peace that arises when the thoughts are just clouds in the sky and the heart is open and radiating love. Living each moment in the Now and recognizing Self as Divine. It is called the Song of Solomon
Monday, November 2, 2009
Tantra Tip of the Day- Beyond Birth and Death
As I listened to this video this morning I was deeply touched by it. I tasted Truth. Please watch and enjoy! Today allow moments for melting into Oneness and remember your True Face.
Avadhuta Gita - Why do you run? - Mooji - Tiruvannamalai Retreat
Avadhuta Gita - Why do you run? - Mooji - Tiruvannamalai Retreat
Friday, October 30, 2009
Tantra Tip of the Day- Learn About Non-Duality

Our worldview is shaped by duality. We see Self/Other, Beginning/End, Male/Female, Living/Dead and Good/Evil all around us.
The wisdom we gain through practicing Tantra, meditation, and yoga as well as mystical experiences suggest these dichotomies are illusory.
Eastern mystics have long spoken of a single underlying reality called advaita, Brahman, the Tao, or Nirvana, from which all existence arises through consciousness. Nonduality is the philosophical and spiritual understanding that dualisms obscure a deeper reality of non-separation and fundamental oneness.
There was just a Science and Nonduality Conference in California last week.
Here is a page of great links about different non-dual teachers. http://nondualcomedy.wordpress.com/links/
non-duality conference.,
non-duality links,
Mooji's Teachings are Powerful - Audio Satsang 11/2/09

Mooji is a non-duality spiritual teacher. I have been listening to him on Youtube.com and I find his approach to self-inquiry very helpful in letting go of egoic attachments. His teachings are helping me awaken to Truth.
Mooji, aka Anthony Paul Moo-Young and Tony Moo to his friends, is from Antonio, Jamaica and now lives in England. He attributes his awakening to an unnamed Christian mystic in England in 1983. He visited with Papaji, the Indian guru from Lucknow, for three months in 1993 and he then recognized Papaji as his Master and Guru. After Papaji’s death, Mooji clarified the nature of the True Master: "That Principle that manifests as the Master is ever HERE NOW. The True Master never dies, it is the mister that dies. The true Master, that Sat Guru within, alone is the Real".
Mooji will offer Satsang via an Internet radio program on Sovereign Mind Radio. This is an audio-only program.
The program will be broadcast live Monday, 2 November, 2009
9am - 10am PST
12pm - 1pm EST
5pm - 6pm GMT
Check www.timeanddate.com for exact times in your country.
There are three ways to present Satsang questions to Mooji:
Via email (ahead of time or live)
Via telephone (live): +1 646-915-8361
Via chat on www.blogtalkradio.com/Sovereign-Mind-Radio: chat box will show up when the show is live
To listen, simply go to www.sovereignmindradio.com
Another option is to go to: www.blogtalkradio.com/Sovereign-Mind-Radio
Click on "Listen Now" at show time
Note: the program will be replayed
Monday, 2 November, 2009
6pm PST
9pm EST
2am GMT (3 Nov)
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Sexual Union to Spiritual Communion- Tantra Workshop in Phoenix
November 21-22 From Sexual Union to Spiritual Communion
Saturday 9:30am-9:30pm and Sunday 10am-6pm
Phoenix, AZ
In this experiential weekend you will:
Explore the masculine and feminine archetypes
Understand love, romance and sexual polarity
Transform old patterns and heal the past
Learn to ride the "Wave of Bliss"
Ignite your passion, feel the flow, and discover how to be authentic in love. Discover how your relationships can become a doorway into communion with the Divine. Investment: $300. Register at www.TantraforAwakening.com 10% discount for early or online registration.
These workshops are facilitated by Crystal Dawn Morris, a Certified SkyDancing Tantra Teacher, assisted by Jim Miller. Crystal is known for her ability to create a safe space where magic unfolds. Her workshops and coaching sessions give people practical tools for ecstatic living.
Sexual Union,
Tantric workshop
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
The Tantra Tip of the Day- 4 Secrets to Joyful Living
When life gets stressful it is easy to contract and focus on what's not working. You begin to feel disconnected from Source and wonder why life isn't going your way. It is easy to begin feeling sorry for yourself. Here are 4 secrets to help you reconnect to joyful living.
1. Let go of negative thinking. Stop judging yourself. Replace negative self-talk with words of and appreciation and encouragement. Write a love letter to yourself; put it in a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Wait a few weeks and then drop it in the mail. When it arrives drink in the words of love.
2. Appreciate your body and all that it does for you. Your body is your vehicle for this life. Treat it well. Take a relaxing bath and touch every part of your body and bless it. Ask your body what it needs to feel loved. Listen to your body's wisdom.
3. Take time daily to expand your awareness. Recognize that you are much more than your body or your thoughts. You are Divine in form. One way I like to do this is by using the senses, take 5 minutes and focus on one of the senses- sight, sound, smell, touch, taste, let your awareness of it expand. Look at the world with curiosity as if you just landed on this planet for the first time. Listen to the sounds of the city or of nature. Smell the scent of rain, food or even garbage. Touch the surface of your desk, chair, or a tree as if it is your lover’s body- with awe and reverence. Chew your food slowly savoring each bite. Let your senses awaken your connection to the world around you. Recognize that you are part of this aliveness that is going on around you.
4. Be generous. Offer gratitude for all you have. Recognize that there are others less fortunate than you and send them a prayer or decide to help them in a way that feels right to you. Helping others is a great way to reconnect to your heart.
When you let go of negative thinking, love your body, expand your awareness, and generously give to others you naturally begin to feel more open, loving and connected. Life becomes a joy to live.
(C) Copyright 2009, Crystal Dawn Morris, all rights reserved.
If you'd like to learn more about Tantra and Crystal's events sign up for her free monthly newsletter at:
1. Let go of negative thinking. Stop judging yourself. Replace negative self-talk with words of and appreciation and encouragement. Write a love letter to yourself; put it in a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Wait a few weeks and then drop it in the mail. When it arrives drink in the words of love.
2. Appreciate your body and all that it does for you. Your body is your vehicle for this life. Treat it well. Take a relaxing bath and touch every part of your body and bless it. Ask your body what it needs to feel loved. Listen to your body's wisdom.
3. Take time daily to expand your awareness. Recognize that you are much more than your body or your thoughts. You are Divine in form. One way I like to do this is by using the senses, take 5 minutes and focus on one of the senses- sight, sound, smell, touch, taste, let your awareness of it expand. Look at the world with curiosity as if you just landed on this planet for the first time. Listen to the sounds of the city or of nature. Smell the scent of rain, food or even garbage. Touch the surface of your desk, chair, or a tree as if it is your lover’s body- with awe and reverence. Chew your food slowly savoring each bite. Let your senses awaken your connection to the world around you. Recognize that you are part of this aliveness that is going on around you.
4. Be generous. Offer gratitude for all you have. Recognize that there are others less fortunate than you and send them a prayer or decide to help them in a way that feels right to you. Helping others is a great way to reconnect to your heart.
When you let go of negative thinking, love your body, expand your awareness, and generously give to others you naturally begin to feel more open, loving and connected. Life becomes a joy to live.
(C) Copyright 2009, Crystal Dawn Morris, all rights reserved.
If you'd like to learn more about Tantra and Crystal's events sign up for her free monthly newsletter at:
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Tantric Sex – Reignite Your Relationship with the Pleasure Game
At the beginning of a relationship sex is often spontaneous, intense and erotic. This phenomenon is called the Honeymoon phase. It is when the “New Relationship Energy” or NRE, makes everything exciting. Over time the NRE naturally fades. Romance dwindles, passion wanes and sex often becomes routine. The Pleasure Game is one way to rekindle the passion and romance in your relationship.
1) Make a date. When life gets busy it is easy to forget to schedule time for you and your beloved to have uninterrupted time together. Turn off your cell phones, shut off the TV, and disconnect from the outside world.
2) Create an altar or temple area by decorating the space where you are going to play so it feels as if you are somewhere special. Use fabrics, candles, flowers or whatever feels right to make the space feel inviting and exotic. I know a guy who surprised his wife by turning his garage into a Temple and making his Harley-Davidson into an altar where he invited her to be pleasured.
3) Take a ritual bath, using it as a transition into sacred time. Allow the bath or shower to wash away the cares of the day. Make a commitment to avoid digressing into mundane concerns about the house, kids or work. Dress in clothes that make you feel special, like a God or Goddess.
4) Sit facing each other; create a bubble around both of you. Use your arms to define the shape of the bubble, imagine it surrounds both of you. This bubble allows you to let go of the outside world and create a safe and sacred space to play the “Pleasure Game.” Remove things from your bubble that might interfere with you enjoying the game. Do this by stating out loud what you are removing from the bubble and at the same time make a gesture as you remove it. Examples may include: the past, distractions, anger, work, etc. Then, bring things into your bubble that will enhance the experience and make a gesture as you bring them into the bubble. Examples might include: love, sensuality, presence, trust, etc. Once the bubble is created, share your desires, fears and boundaries related to this game. (Boundaries are what you need to feel safe and stay open.) One person speaks while the other listens without judgment or commentary, then you switch roles.
5) Before beginning the game take a few minutes to look into each other’s eyes and breathe together. Allow your hearts to connect and begin to feel the energy flowing between you. Imagine that as you explore pleasure together you are doing it not only for yourselves but for all the men and women in the world.
6) Play the Pleasure Game. Decide how much time you have to play the game and divide the time in half. Pick who will give and who will receive first. The receiver then tells the giver how they want to be pleasured for their allotted amount of time. Then the roles are reversed.
Some requests might include: hair brushing, a pedicure or a massage, acting out a fantasy, performing a favorite sexual act, trying a new sexual position, mutual self-pleasuring, erotic storytelling, getting naked and doing some “Dirty Dancing,” making love in a car or some other unusual place. Be creative, ask for what you want. Take this opportunity to be daring and move beyond your comfort zone while honoring your partner’s boundaries. Don’t insist that they do something they aren’t ready or willing to do. When this ritual is done with a playful and open heart it can be a great way to revitalize and enhance your relationship.
Tantra recognizes that everything is alive and connected. It embraces all areas of life as a path to awakening, including sexuality. Sex is seen as a doorway to the Divine. By bringing conscious awareness into this practice we can enhance our connection to our beloved and help make the world a better place to live. The Pleasure Game is one way to reignite the passion in your relationship. Taking time to connect in a special way with your beloved goes a long way toward creating a happy, healthy relationship.
Crystal Dawn Morris, is a Certified SkyDancing Tantra Teacher and the founder of Tantra for Awakening. Her classes, workshops and coaching sessions give people practical tools for creating an ecstatic life. She offers workshops and coaching sessions to individuals and couples in the USA and Canada. She also teaches a 9-month course for those who want to teach Tantra to others. You can read her blog at www.TantraGal.Blogspot.com. To learn more go to, www.TantraForAwakening.com.
© Copyright 2009 Crystal Dawn Morris
1) Make a date. When life gets busy it is easy to forget to schedule time for you and your beloved to have uninterrupted time together. Turn off your cell phones, shut off the TV, and disconnect from the outside world.
2) Create an altar or temple area by decorating the space where you are going to play so it feels as if you are somewhere special. Use fabrics, candles, flowers or whatever feels right to make the space feel inviting and exotic. I know a guy who surprised his wife by turning his garage into a Temple and making his Harley-Davidson into an altar where he invited her to be pleasured.
3) Take a ritual bath, using it as a transition into sacred time. Allow the bath or shower to wash away the cares of the day. Make a commitment to avoid digressing into mundane concerns about the house, kids or work. Dress in clothes that make you feel special, like a God or Goddess.
4) Sit facing each other; create a bubble around both of you. Use your arms to define the shape of the bubble, imagine it surrounds both of you. This bubble allows you to let go of the outside world and create a safe and sacred space to play the “Pleasure Game.” Remove things from your bubble that might interfere with you enjoying the game. Do this by stating out loud what you are removing from the bubble and at the same time make a gesture as you remove it. Examples may include: the past, distractions, anger, work, etc. Then, bring things into your bubble that will enhance the experience and make a gesture as you bring them into the bubble. Examples might include: love, sensuality, presence, trust, etc. Once the bubble is created, share your desires, fears and boundaries related to this game. (Boundaries are what you need to feel safe and stay open.) One person speaks while the other listens without judgment or commentary, then you switch roles.
5) Before beginning the game take a few minutes to look into each other’s eyes and breathe together. Allow your hearts to connect and begin to feel the energy flowing between you. Imagine that as you explore pleasure together you are doing it not only for yourselves but for all the men and women in the world.
6) Play the Pleasure Game. Decide how much time you have to play the game and divide the time in half. Pick who will give and who will receive first. The receiver then tells the giver how they want to be pleasured for their allotted amount of time. Then the roles are reversed.
Some requests might include: hair brushing, a pedicure or a massage, acting out a fantasy, performing a favorite sexual act, trying a new sexual position, mutual self-pleasuring, erotic storytelling, getting naked and doing some “Dirty Dancing,” making love in a car or some other unusual place. Be creative, ask for what you want. Take this opportunity to be daring and move beyond your comfort zone while honoring your partner’s boundaries. Don’t insist that they do something they aren’t ready or willing to do. When this ritual is done with a playful and open heart it can be a great way to revitalize and enhance your relationship.
Tantra recognizes that everything is alive and connected. It embraces all areas of life as a path to awakening, including sexuality. Sex is seen as a doorway to the Divine. By bringing conscious awareness into this practice we can enhance our connection to our beloved and help make the world a better place to live. The Pleasure Game is one way to reignite the passion in your relationship. Taking time to connect in a special way with your beloved goes a long way toward creating a happy, healthy relationship.
Crystal Dawn Morris, is a Certified SkyDancing Tantra Teacher and the founder of Tantra for Awakening. Her classes, workshops and coaching sessions give people practical tools for creating an ecstatic life. She offers workshops and coaching sessions to individuals and couples in the USA and Canada. She also teaches a 9-month course for those who want to teach Tantra to others. You can read her blog at www.TantraGal.Blogspot.com. To learn more go to, www.TantraForAwakening.com.
© Copyright 2009 Crystal Dawn Morris
Tantric sex,
the Pleasure Game
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Tantra for Awakening October Newsletter
Learn what's happening at Tantra for Awakening in October.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Tantra Tip of the Day- Live From the Heart
When my heart is open, I feel good. Joy natural flows through me and out into the world. I see the beauty all around me. The open-heart loves fearlessly.
When I am stuck in my thoughts, I sometimes feel like I am a hamster stuck on an exercise wheel. Thinking, thinking, thinking. It is easy to get trapped in the mind. The mind is always trying to figure things out. There is no figuring it out. Life is. Change happens.
Too much thinking can lead to anxiety, fear, worry and dissatisfaction. When you get in that state of mind the best thing you can do is shift out of your head and reconnect with your heart. I like to begin with the Heart Salutation as a way of reconnecting to my heart.
The Heart Salutation
Extend your arms towards the earth, palms together. Inhale, as you bring them to your heart while keeping your palms together. Exhale, as you bow forward and acknowledge the Divine in with the Sanskrit salutation Namaste. "Namaste" means, “I see the Divine in you as a reflection of the Divine within me.” In this example you are acknowledging the world as a mirror for seeing the Divine within yourself. Inhale, as you straighten back up. Finally, exhale as you allow your hands to return to the starting position, pointed towards the earth.
Bring your awareness into your heart center and breathe into it for a few minutes. Notice if your heart is open, closed or somewhere in between. Allow it to gradually begin to relax and open as you breathe into the center of your chest. Close your eyes and think of someone or something you love deeply and allow love fill your being. When you are ready open your eyes. Look around you and notice how you feel and what you experience around you.
(C) Copyright 2009, Crystal Dawn Morris, all rights reserved.
If you'd like to learn more about Tantra and Crystal's events sign up for her free monthly newsletter at: http://www.TantraforAwakening.com
Read her Tantra blog at: http://www.TantraGal.blogspot.com
Crystal Dawn Morris is a Certified SkyDancing Tantra Teacher and the founder of Tantra for Awakening. She is committed creating a more conscious and compassionate world. She lives in Sedona, AZ where she teaches Tantra workshops, offers private coaching sessions, practices yoga, and writes. She loves to travel and is open to teaching and coaching in your community.
When I am stuck in my thoughts, I sometimes feel like I am a hamster stuck on an exercise wheel. Thinking, thinking, thinking. It is easy to get trapped in the mind. The mind is always trying to figure things out. There is no figuring it out. Life is. Change happens.
Too much thinking can lead to anxiety, fear, worry and dissatisfaction. When you get in that state of mind the best thing you can do is shift out of your head and reconnect with your heart. I like to begin with the Heart Salutation as a way of reconnecting to my heart.
The Heart Salutation
Extend your arms towards the earth, palms together. Inhale, as you bring them to your heart while keeping your palms together. Exhale, as you bow forward and acknowledge the Divine in with the Sanskrit salutation Namaste. "Namaste" means, “I see the Divine in you as a reflection of the Divine within me.” In this example you are acknowledging the world as a mirror for seeing the Divine within yourself. Inhale, as you straighten back up. Finally, exhale as you allow your hands to return to the starting position, pointed towards the earth.
Bring your awareness into your heart center and breathe into it for a few minutes. Notice if your heart is open, closed or somewhere in between. Allow it to gradually begin to relax and open as you breathe into the center of your chest. Close your eyes and think of someone or something you love deeply and allow love fill your being. When you are ready open your eyes. Look around you and notice how you feel and what you experience around you.
(C) Copyright 2009, Crystal Dawn Morris, all rights reserved.
If you'd like to learn more about Tantra and Crystal's events sign up for her free monthly newsletter at: http://www.TantraforAwakening.com
Read her Tantra blog at: http://www.TantraGal.blogspot.com
Crystal Dawn Morris is a Certified SkyDancing Tantra Teacher and the founder of Tantra for Awakening. She is committed creating a more conscious and compassionate world. She lives in Sedona, AZ where she teaches Tantra workshops, offers private coaching sessions, practices yoga, and writes. She loves to travel and is open to teaching and coaching in your community.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Tantra Tip of the Day- Let Go of Past and Future
Tantra is about living in the present moment. Past and future only exist in the mind. Being present is our natural state of awareness. As babies we know the beauty of being in the freshness of each new moment. Yet, pretty early in life our parents and our culture do their best to get us out of the Now. While happily being in the moment, we were told to eat when we weren't hungry, made to go to sleep when we weren't tired, forced to get up early for school, and told to stop playing and come inside, so a visitor could grill us about what we want to be when we grow up.
Let's face it we live in a world obsessed with past and future. The news recaps the past; advertising tells what we need to be happy in the future. Reclaiming the joy of living in the Now can feel like a challenge at times. How can we reclaim the joy of being fully present in the Now?
Step 1- Develop the Witness. Notice when you are not in the moment. The witness is that part of us that watches what is happening in an unattached way. When I am lost in past or future I feel anxious, worried, or discontent. Past or future is a good place to hide when things aren't going the way I planned. When I activate the Witness, it is easy to notice if I am lost in past or future. Then I return present moment awareness.
Step 2- Be Present. Presence arises when your essential nature -Awareness, awakens to itself in each moment. Awareness is beyond space and time, beyond life and death. When you are present, you let go of past and future. You surrender to the moment. There is no resistance to what is. Being present is not only about being aware of what is happening on the level of form, it is being aware of the very space in which all forms come and go.
Most people have had moments of Presence, even if they didn't call it that. Have you ever had the experience of watching a sunset? The world became still and all thoughts disappeared, as you sat in awe aware of the beauty unfolding before you. Or perhaps you have had the experience of running a race, skiing or riding your bike and suddenly you entered "The Zone" where you were one with everything, and your movements were effortless. Or when looking into the eyes of a newborn baby or your beloved, have you ever felt yourself melting into them until all sense of separation dissolved and you experienced Oneness? In all these situations, Presence emerged as you became liberated from identification with the thinking mind and surrendered into the direct experience of The Now.
Step 3- Accept the Now. Living in the Now, means accepting everything going on around you and within you exactly as it is in that moment. Acceptance means letting of outcome. It does not mean that you are a victim. You can make a conscious choice to shift what is happening through your actions and intentions. When you accept each moment as it is, the quality of Being becomes palpable and stress vanishes.
By developing the witness, living in the present moment and accepting what is, you will discover that you can learn to let go of living in the past. By aligning with your essential nature, spiritual wakefulness is arrived upon naturally.
(C) Copyright 2009, Crystal Dawn Morris, all rights reserved.
Let's face it we live in a world obsessed with past and future. The news recaps the past; advertising tells what we need to be happy in the future. Reclaiming the joy of living in the Now can feel like a challenge at times. How can we reclaim the joy of being fully present in the Now?
Step 1- Develop the Witness. Notice when you are not in the moment. The witness is that part of us that watches what is happening in an unattached way. When I am lost in past or future I feel anxious, worried, or discontent. Past or future is a good place to hide when things aren't going the way I planned. When I activate the Witness, it is easy to notice if I am lost in past or future. Then I return present moment awareness.
Step 2- Be Present. Presence arises when your essential nature -Awareness, awakens to itself in each moment. Awareness is beyond space and time, beyond life and death. When you are present, you let go of past and future. You surrender to the moment. There is no resistance to what is. Being present is not only about being aware of what is happening on the level of form, it is being aware of the very space in which all forms come and go.
Most people have had moments of Presence, even if they didn't call it that. Have you ever had the experience of watching a sunset? The world became still and all thoughts disappeared, as you sat in awe aware of the beauty unfolding before you. Or perhaps you have had the experience of running a race, skiing or riding your bike and suddenly you entered "The Zone" where you were one with everything, and your movements were effortless. Or when looking into the eyes of a newborn baby or your beloved, have you ever felt yourself melting into them until all sense of separation dissolved and you experienced Oneness? In all these situations, Presence emerged as you became liberated from identification with the thinking mind and surrendered into the direct experience of The Now.
Step 3- Accept the Now. Living in the Now, means accepting everything going on around you and within you exactly as it is in that moment. Acceptance means letting of outcome. It does not mean that you are a victim. You can make a conscious choice to shift what is happening through your actions and intentions. When you accept each moment as it is, the quality of Being becomes palpable and stress vanishes.
By developing the witness, living in the present moment and accepting what is, you will discover that you can learn to let go of living in the past. By aligning with your essential nature, spiritual wakefulness is arrived upon naturally.
(C) Copyright 2009, Crystal Dawn Morris, all rights reserved.
past and future,
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Tantra Tip of the Day- Transforming the Shadow into an Ally

The Shadow is the disowned parts of our selves. They may be gods, fears or demons, things we worship or things we fear. When we are able to transform our shadow into an ally we can access a vast amount of energy that can then be used in positive ways in our lives.
I have been fascinated by the power of reclaiming the shadow for many years. Shortly after 9/11/2000, I spent several months working both personally and globally healing the shadow that was being projected in the media as an, us and a them. This work changed my life, teaching me tolerance, compassion and self-acceptance.
I recently discovered a great book that shares a healing method that has many of the qualities I discovered as I was doing this work. I was surprised to learn that it is based on an ancient Buddhist practice called Chod. The book is called Feeding Your Demons by Tsultrim Allione. She has taken the essence of the Chod practice and simplified it for our modern secular culture. She has developed a simple 5 step process that allows you to explore a god or demon, as she calls them, by communicate with it, embodying it and feeding it what it needs to be healed and transformed. I highly recommend this book. Sounds True has an audio version called Cutting Through Fear, in which she explains the process and also guides you through it.
Here is an article about the practice. http://www.tricycle.com/-practice/feeding-your-demons
Here is the link to the CD. http://www.amazon.com/Cutting-Through-Fear-Tsultrim-Allione/dp/159179403X
Here is the link to the book. http://www.amazon.com/Feeding-Your-Demons-Resolving-Conflict/dp/0316013137/ref=pd_bxgy_b_img_b
chod practice,
Tsultrim Allione
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Tantra Tip of the Day-Harvesting with Grace and Gratitude
The monsoons came late this year to Sedona. A rain squall just went through a few moments ago. The air is fresh and the sky is full of billowing white clouds. The first dusting of snow covered the San Francisco Peaks over the weekend. The Aspen trees ate beginning to turn golden. Autunm has come to Sedona.
I grew up in the midwest and fall was harvest time. At this time of the year I pay attention to the seeds I planted in the spring and I ask, "What are you harvesting now?" By seeds I mean my vision for the year- intentions and desires. I look to see if what I am harvesting matches with what I thought I planted. If they don't match I examine where my thoughts, beliefs and actions were out of alignment with my vision.
When my desire, intent, thoughts, words and actions are in alignment with my heart then my harvst is bountiful. That does not always mean that it looks the way I imagined it would. Harvest time is receiving with grace all that is being given.
Tantra has taught me how to be more conscious and aware of my desires, words, thoughts and actions. I continually practice being in the moment as much as possible, living authenticly and loving what is arising as a precious gift. I offer gratitude for all I recieve. This practice helps me stay connected to my heart and to Source.
What are you harvesting? How does it relate to what you planted? How gracefully are you recieving your harvest? What is your relationship to gratitude?
(C) Copyright 2009, Crystal Dawn Morris, all rights reserved.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Hot Off the Presses- Read 09/09/09 Newsletter
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Read the lastest Tantra for Awakening Newsletter. It has been described as "one of the best Tantra newsletters around." It is full of great information, articles, workshops and links to online Tantra resources.
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Subscribe and get it in your email box each month.
Read the lastest Tantra for Awakening Newsletter. It has been described as "one of the best Tantra newsletters around." It is full of great information, articles, workshops and links to online Tantra resources.
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Subscribe and get it in your email box each month.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Tantra Tip of the Day- Practice Connected Breathing
Connected breathing begins by being present with your breath. Allow your breath to naturally deepen and find its own relaxed pace. As you relax and watch the breath the mind tends to relax. As the mind and body relax, the breath allows you to access emotions and stuck energy you have been holding onto. If emotions arise just be present with them, without thinking about them. Instead, breathe the emotions through the body and watch them transform.
If you notice tension in the body, breathe into the tension and send love into that area of the body. Notice the contraction begin to soften. If thoughts arise let them be as clouds in the sky. Watch them morph and change without becoming attached to them. Always stay connected to the breath, if you get lost for a moment or minutes just return to the breath.
Connected breathing can also be done with a partner in a variety of positions. Here are a few- sit facing each other while you eye gaze and breathe together. Lay face-to-face, in the scissors position, eye gaze and breathe together or try lying in the spooning position with eyes closed as you snuggle and breathe together.
Doing connected breathing helps you to develop presence and equanimity as you let go of thoughts and feelings. It helps you to increase energy, decrease stress, feel more connected, let go of fears and develop more compassion for yourself and others.
(C) Copyright 2009, Crystal Dawn Morris, all rights reserved.
Breath meditation,
Connected breathing
Monday, September 7, 2009
Tantra Workshop, Phoenix - The Full Body Orgasm and Beyond
Awakening the Ecstatic Body- The Path of Sky Dancing Tantra
September 26-27 The Full Body Orgasm and Beyond
Saturday 9:30am-9:30pm and Sunday 10am-6pm
Phoenix, AZ
In this experiential weekend you will:
In this experiential weekend you will:
Open your "Secret Love Channel"
Learn the 3 steps to the Ecstatic Response
Experience orgasmic energy throughout your body
Explore the multi-orgasmic response in men and women
Move beyond time in the Heart Wave Meditation
In this experiential weekend workshop you will learn how to awaken bliss in every cell of your being and you will experience a full body orgasm outside a sexual context. You will leave this weekend feeling more alive and with a tool kit for creating bliss in your life and relationships.
This event is open to individuals and couples. There is no nudity in this class.
$300 per person / Register at www.TantraForAwakening.com - 10% discount for early or online registration. Location given after registration.
This workshop is facilitated by Crystal Dawn Morris, a Certified SkyDancing Tantra Teacher, assisted by Jim Miller. Crystal is known for her ability to create a safe space where magic unfolds. Her workshops and coaching sessions give people practical tools for ecstatic living
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Tantra Tip of the Day- Awakening the Kundalini

Tantra is the science of enlightenment. Awakening the Kundalini energy and learning how to move it through all the chakras is an important part of the journey.
“Kundalini is innate for all people: At the base of the spine, subtler than the physical body, lies the Kundalini energy, or spiritual energy, in a latent form. Regardless of what religious, spiritual, or meditation tradition one follows, the awakening of this energy, by whatever name you call it, is a most innate and essential part of spiritual advancement, unfoldment, or realization.” www.SwamiJ.com
One of my favorite practice’s for tapping into the serpent-power at the base of the spine is Osho’s Kundalini Meditation. This meditation helps you to connect to the ecstatic life force energy of the universe. The Kundalini, when activated, moves up from the base of the spine towards the crown, expanding conscious awareness. This meditation is a powerful tool for expanding your capacity for bliss and connecting you to the Divine. It is done daily at Osho’s ashram in Pune, India. I recommend doing it often.
Tonight we will be doing the Kundalini Meditation at my Tantra for Awakening Meetup in Sedona, AZ at 7pm. We meet at the Sedona School of Temple Arts located at 2945 Southwest Drive in West Sedona, just off 89A, Between City Hall and the Main Fire Station. Here is the link to this group: http://www.meetup.com/Sedona-Tantra-for-Awakening-Meetup-Group/
You can order the CD here: http://www.osho.com/Main.cfm?Area=Meditation&Language=English
If you'd like to learn more about moving your Kundalini energy attend my Awakening the Ecstatic Body: The Full Body Orgasm and Beyond Workshop in Phoenix September 26-27, 2009 Learn more and register on Pay Pal at: http://www.tantraforawakening.com/schedule.html
Here is a website that has some great information on the Kundalini: http://www.swamij.com/kundalini-awakening-index.htm
(C) Copyright 2009, Crystal Dawn Morris, all rights reserved.
freedom. Osho,
Tantra Meetup
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Tantra Workshop Introduces the Path to Bliss

This weekend I taught Awakening the Ecstatic Body: Opening the Path to Bliss, in Phoenix. This workshop is a gentle introduction to the path of SkyDancing Tantra®. SkyDancing Tantra® presents the Tantric paradigm via methods and tools accessible to the Western culture and lifestyle. The path of SkyDancing Tantra came to Margot Anand as a revelation rather than a tradition and first introduced in her best selling book, The Art of Sexual Ecstasy. Over the past twenty years it has been taught to tens of thousands of people all over the world.
Here is one participant’s description of her experience of the workshop this past weekend:
I just attended the first, of a series of three, SkyDancing Tantra weekend workshops being facilitated by Crystal Dawn in Phoenix, AZ, titled "Awakening the Ecstatic Body," August 29-30 (Subtitled, "Opening the Path to Bliss"). I had previously experienced Crystal Dawn’s facilitation for several 3 hour introductions--each a little different. Crystal Dawn is an excellent facilitator who creates a container of safety and appreciation for each participant.
During the weekend, I was guided in a series of well-choreographed exercises with other participants during which we awakened our inner lovers and expanded our ability to tap into joy --within ourselves -- and how to share that with a partner more effectively. One tradition of SkyDancing Tantra of great value is the ceremony of creating a "Bubble" in which to share with a partner.
The bubble is opened with a respectful Heart Salutation: (Namaste'). Each person is co-creating the "bubble," removing unwanted elements and bringing in desired elements, each can truly "own it" and participate with greater awareness and safely within it's "defined space." Within the bubble, each states intent/desires, fears, and boundaries prior to further communication and "work/play." The "bubble" is closed with a respectful Heart Salutation: (Namaste') and life goes on......
This is exactly what I needed. After the workshop closed on Sunday, I visited my friend and shared "how to" create the "bubble." We created a "bubble" for our sharing. I felt this simple introduction greatly enhanced our time together and enabled us to enjoy our time within our intent and respectful boundaries more effectively. This one tool was worth the time and expense of the workshop for me-- and there was much more!
I look forward to Level 2 next month.
S.C. Phoenix, AZ
The next workshop is September 26-27, 2009 in Phoenix, AZ. It is called Awakening the Ecstatic Body: The Full Body Orgasm and Beyond. During the weekend you will experience the "Ecstatic Response" which allows you to bring orgasmic energy into your entire physical and energetic body. We will also explore "Multi-Orgasmic Response" in both men and women. There is also a very special ritual on Saturday night, called the Sensory Awakening Ritual.
To learn more go to http://www.tantraforawakening.com/schedule.html or email crystal@TantraforAwakening.com
One Tantra,
Skydancing Tantra,
Tantra workshops
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Tantra Tip of the Day- Eye Gazing for Singles
Eye gazing is being used in a new approach to speed dating. I happened upon a couple of websites today that talk about this new dating phenomenon, Eye Gazing Parties.
These events are the brain child of Michael Ellsberg, http://www.eyegazingparties.com/. He wanted to create a way for singles to meet that would be fun, intimate and uplifting. At his eye gazing parties, an even number of men and women gather at a club. “After a fun mini-lesson in the art of eye contact, the group splits into pairs, and each pair spends two minutes looking into each other's eyes, no talking, just soaking in each other's essence through the windows to their soul.” This is followed by social time, when people can talk and see if they want to set up a date.
Tim Ferris, author of the 4-Hour Work Week, recently attended one of these events. read his thoughts and see a vidio clip at: http://www.fourhourworkweek.com/blog/2008/02/17/dating-without-speaking-the-weird-world-of-eye-gazing-parties/
The eyes are the windows to the soul. When we gaze deeply into the eyes of another person we can see beyond the physical form and personality into their essence. This can be done as one-on-one, deep meditation practice or by yourself by gazing into a mirror. I have even done this using Skype video with powerful results.
It can also be integrated into your daily life, as a micro-practice by making eye contact and staying present when in a conversation, and by engaging people briefly in passing with the intent that when you meet their eyes, you will see beyond their form into their essence.
Try this: Begin by gazing into the other person’s left eye. Use a soft gaze. This is not a staring contest. It is ok to change eyes if you feel called too. Just relax, breathe and allow the experience to unfold. Don’t try to look into both eyes at once. Notice what arises without judging it. Do this for as long as you want. I suggest beginning with two to five minutes of eye gazing. Then close your eyes go inside and connect with yourself. Then open your eyes and begin again. (Extend the time as you get more comfortable with the process.) Afterwards discuss your experience.
This is a great way to discover how open you are and to see where resistance arises. See if you can allow the resistance to melt. How does it feel to be seen? How does it feel to look deeply into another person? This is a great practice for developing a deeper heart connection.
(C) Copyright 2009, Crystal Dawn Morris, all rights reserved.
These events are the brain child of Michael Ellsberg, http://www.eyegazingparties.com/. He wanted to create a way for singles to meet that would be fun, intimate and uplifting. At his eye gazing parties, an even number of men and women gather at a club. “After a fun mini-lesson in the art of eye contact, the group splits into pairs, and each pair spends two minutes looking into each other's eyes, no talking, just soaking in each other's essence through the windows to their soul.” This is followed by social time, when people can talk and see if they want to set up a date.
Tim Ferris, author of the 4-Hour Work Week, recently attended one of these events. read his thoughts and see a vidio clip at: http://www.fourhourworkweek.com/blog/2008/02/17/dating-without-speaking-the-weird-world-of-eye-gazing-parties/
The eyes are the windows to the soul. When we gaze deeply into the eyes of another person we can see beyond the physical form and personality into their essence. This can be done as one-on-one, deep meditation practice or by yourself by gazing into a mirror. I have even done this using Skype video with powerful results.
It can also be integrated into your daily life, as a micro-practice by making eye contact and staying present when in a conversation, and by engaging people briefly in passing with the intent that when you meet their eyes, you will see beyond their form into their essence.
Try this: Begin by gazing into the other person’s left eye. Use a soft gaze. This is not a staring contest. It is ok to change eyes if you feel called too. Just relax, breathe and allow the experience to unfold. Don’t try to look into both eyes at once. Notice what arises without judging it. Do this for as long as you want. I suggest beginning with two to five minutes of eye gazing. Then close your eyes go inside and connect with yourself. Then open your eyes and begin again. (Extend the time as you get more comfortable with the process.) Afterwards discuss your experience.
This is a great way to discover how open you are and to see where resistance arises. See if you can allow the resistance to melt. How does it feel to be seen? How does it feel to look deeply into another person? This is a great practice for developing a deeper heart connection.
(C) Copyright 2009, Crystal Dawn Morris, all rights reserved.
eye gazing,
Michael Ellsberg,
Tim Ferris
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Tantra Tip of the Day- Surrendering Control
I had a great time teaching in Toronto, Canada in July. On returning to Sedona I found myself needing to go inward. This process kept me off the computer and somewhat disengaged from the world. My mind kept saying, “get to work” and I knew I needed to not do and instead to be. It is a challenge to be in a doing world. I just had to let go, surrender control and trust the process.
I spent a week just letting go of doing and becoming empty. Then I was able to go deeper into myself and look at my own Tantric practice and to take time to connect more deeply with my inner teachers. I re-read Passionate Enlightenment : Women in Tantric Buddhism by Miranda Shaw, a book I first read 6 years ago. I highly recommend this book, especially to women new to Tantra. It is full of wonderful stories about the women who taught the men, who are credited with creating the Tantric Buddhist traditions. Reading it reconnected me with the deeper truth of Tantra, which is about waking up from the delusion, called life that most of us take so seriously.
One of my biggest challenges is how to “be in the world but not of it.” When I start focusing more on business, making money and being successful than on being present in the Now, I begin to believe in the world of delusion and start to loose my way. Spacious awareness is reality not the thoughts in my head or the Dow-Jones Industrial average. Surrendering control allowed me to empty out and be refilled and brought me back home to the spacious awareness that I am.
Try this: Notice when your need to control arises. What is the situation? What is the fear? What would happen if you let go? Isn’t control really an illusion created to keep fear at bay? Explore what happens when you surrender control. See what you discover.
(C) Copyright 2009, Crystal Dawn Morris, all rights reserved.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Awakening the Ecstatic Body Workshops in Phoenix

Fall Weekend Workshop Series Being Taught in Phoenix, AZ
I'm very excited to be offering these three SkyDancing Tantra weekend workshops in Phoenix for the first time. The location near Thomas Road and 24th Street has plenty of parking and is only minutes from the airport. The exact location is given on registration.
These 3 workshops build on one another and ideally are taken one after another. The curriculum has been designed so they can also be taken separately to accommodate people who can't take them sequentially. They are open to individuals and couples and previous Tantra experience is helpful but not required.
August 29-30 Opening the Path to Bliss
Saturday 9:30am-9:30pm and Sunday 10am-6pm
Phoenix, AZ
In this experiential weekend you will:
Awaken your inner lover
Explore the chakra energy system
Expand your ability to tap into joy
Learn to communicate your desires clearly
By the end of the weekend you will feel an expanded flow of energy, awareness, and ecstasy throughout your being. You will leave this weekend with tools to create a more joyful, pleasure-filled, awakened life.
This weekend is open to individuals and couples. There is no nudity in this class.
$300 per person / Register at www.TantraforAwakening.com 10% discount for early or online registration.
September 26-27 The Full Body Orgasm and Beyond
Saturday 9:30am-9:30pm and Sunday 10am-6pm
Phoenix, AZ
In this experiential weekend you will:
Open your "Secret Love Channel"
Expand your capacity for pleasure
Discover the 3 steps to being multi-orgasmic
Move beyond time in the Heart Wave Meditation
In this experiential weekend workshop you will learn how to awaken bliss in every cell of your being and you will experience a full body orgasm outside a sexual context. You will leave this weekend feeling more alive and with a tool kit for creating bliss in your life and relationships.
This event is open to individuals and couples. There is no nudity in this class.
$300 per person / Register at www.TantraforAwakening.com 10% discount for early or online registration.
November 21-22 From Sexual Union to Spiritual Communion
Saturday 9:30am-9:30pm and Sunday 10am-6pm
Phoenix, AZ
In this experiential weekend you will:
Explore the masculine and feminine archetypes
Understand love, romance and sexual polarity
Transform old patterns and heal the past
Learn to ride the "Wave of Bliss" Ignite your passion, feel the flow, and discover how to be authentic in love. Discover how your relationships can become a doorway into communion with the Divine.
Investment: $300. Register at www.TantraforAwakening.com 10% discount for early or online registration.
If you are coming from out of town there is an Embassy Suites Hotel around the corner from the temple. Embassy Suites Phoenix - Airport at 24th Street
2333 East Thomas Road, Phoenix, Arizona, United States 85016
Tel: 1-602-957-1910 Fax: 1-602-955-2861
These workshops are facilitated by Crystal Dawn Morris, a Certified SkyDancing Tantra Teacher, assisted by Jim Miller. Crystal is known for her ability to create a safe space where magic folds. Her workshops and coaching sessions give people practical tools for ecstatic living.
For additional information call Crystal at 928-282-5483
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Tantra Teacher's Training in Toronto, July 17-23, 2009
Coming to Toronto, Canada
The Art and Business of Teaching Tantra
Module One July 17-23
Live Your Bliss!
Help Create an Ecstatic World !
"If you want to learn something, read about it. If you want to understand something, write about it. If you want to master something, teach it." Yogi Bhajan
This Training will provide:
A unique "Mentoring for Success Program"
Tools to create effective, dynamic Tantra workshops
Skills to sensitively navigate private coaching sessions
A graceful transition into the role of teacher
Support in creating your Tantra Vision
Marketing ideas that generate interest and income
An opportunity to help others live an ecstatic life
This comprehensive one-year training offers knowledge and insights from a number of wisdom traditions. It will be taught in three modules. Between modules, there will be monthly conference calls to track the students' progress, offer support and answer questions. Individual coaching calls will be available. This program is designed to create successful Tantra teachers and coaches. Enrollment is limited, insuring individual attention.
Location: Toronto, Canada
2009 Dates: Module 1 July 18-23;
Module 2 Fall 2009; Module 3 Spring 2010.
Investment is $4900 for all three modules, receive $1000 discount if paid-in-full by July 15, 2009. or $1650 per module. Payment plans available.
Email Crystal Dawn
Call 928-282-5483 Cell 928-862-0762
More Information at www.tantraforawakening.com
The Art and Business of Teaching Tantra
Module One July 17-23
Live Your Bliss!
Help Create an Ecstatic World !
"If you want to learn something, read about it. If you want to understand something, write about it. If you want to master something, teach it." Yogi Bhajan
This Training will provide:
A unique "Mentoring for Success Program"
Tools to create effective, dynamic Tantra workshops
Skills to sensitively navigate private coaching sessions
A graceful transition into the role of teacher
Support in creating your Tantra Vision
Marketing ideas that generate interest and income
An opportunity to help others live an ecstatic life
This comprehensive one-year training offers knowledge and insights from a number of wisdom traditions. It will be taught in three modules. Between modules, there will be monthly conference calls to track the students' progress, offer support and answer questions. Individual coaching calls will be available. This program is designed to create successful Tantra teachers and coaches. Enrollment is limited, insuring individual attention.
Location: Toronto, Canada
2009 Dates: Module 1 July 18-23;
Module 2 Fall 2009; Module 3 Spring 2010.
Investment is $4900 for all three modules, receive $1000 discount if paid-in-full by July 15, 2009. or $1650 per module. Payment plans available.
Email Crystal Dawn
Call 928-282-5483 Cell 928-862-0762
More Information at www.tantraforawakening.com
Awakening the Ecstatic Body Workshop in Toronto

Tantra in Toronto Area
Awakening the Ecstatic Body Weekend, Level 1:
Opening the Pathways to Ecstasy
Saturday, July 18 - Sunday, July 19
Ascensial Life Centre- Ballinafad, Ontario
• Expand your energy awareness
• Connect your heart and breath
• Express your truth with clarity
• Increase your health and vitality
• Explore your pleasure-body
• Learn to live an ecstatic life
This experiential weekend workshop allows you to awaken your inner lover. You will learn how to create a sacred space, share healthy boundaries and express your truth. You will explore the chakra energy system and learn how it relates to your sexual health, emotions and consciousness. By the end of the weekend you will feel an expanded flow of energy and awareness, throughout your being. You will leave this weekend with tools to create a more joyful and pleasure-filled life. The weekend is open to individuals and couples at all levels of experience. There is no nudity in this class. Pre-registration required. Investment $350 per person / Sliding scale available
RSVP Kimberlee Wilson 905-877-2754
Or Donna Hamilton
Email dew@ascensials.ca
Call 905-877-8992
There are still a few spots left.
Tantra Tip of the Day- Allowing Abundance to Flow
In challenging times it is easy to believe the stories you hear in the news and from the people around you and contract into fear. It can begin to feel like you are losing control. Control is really just an illusion, the ego's attempt to hold on to the past instead of being in the moment and allowing the flow. The world is changing; you can fight it or surrender and change with it. Surrender does not mean to give up. It means to relax into each moment and trust the journey.
The first step is to let go of trying to control what is happening and learn to ride the waves. Take time each day to shift your attention from what is going on in the world around you and focus inward. Within you there is a quiet, spacious place of being. Rest in this place as often as you can. To find it close your eyes, exhale with a deep sigh, let go of everything and relax into the nothingness. Notice the space between the thoughts and allow these spaces to grow.
Second, feel into the body and see if you can become aware of your body’s vibration. It is a subtle energy that flows through you. Once you are aware of it notice how far it extends beyond your body. See if you can expand your energy a little farther out from your body. This energy has consciousness. Your body-mind is a magnet that has the ability to attract whatever it focuses its attention on. If you generate negative thoughts you will attract negative energy. If you generate positive thoughts you will attract positive energy.
Third, abundance is about allowing. Relax, open up and be in the flow, release negative beliefs that block abundance. State clearly, in words, thoughts and deeds what you want to attract into your life. Offer gratitude for all that you receive and give generously to others. Become aware of when your thoughts, words or action are out of alignment with your desires and quickly shift back into being in the flow. When obstacles arise see them as a gift. They are either there to shift your course or to wake you up. Welcome change as an ally.
(C) Copyright 2009, Crystal Dawn Morris, all rights reserved.
The first step is to let go of trying to control what is happening and learn to ride the waves. Take time each day to shift your attention from what is going on in the world around you and focus inward. Within you there is a quiet, spacious place of being. Rest in this place as often as you can. To find it close your eyes, exhale with a deep sigh, let go of everything and relax into the nothingness. Notice the space between the thoughts and allow these spaces to grow.
Second, feel into the body and see if you can become aware of your body’s vibration. It is a subtle energy that flows through you. Once you are aware of it notice how far it extends beyond your body. See if you can expand your energy a little farther out from your body. This energy has consciousness. Your body-mind is a magnet that has the ability to attract whatever it focuses its attention on. If you generate negative thoughts you will attract negative energy. If you generate positive thoughts you will attract positive energy.
Third, abundance is about allowing. Relax, open up and be in the flow, release negative beliefs that block abundance. State clearly, in words, thoughts and deeds what you want to attract into your life. Offer gratitude for all that you receive and give generously to others. Become aware of when your thoughts, words or action are out of alignment with your desires and quickly shift back into being in the flow. When obstacles arise see them as a gift. They are either there to shift your course or to wake you up. Welcome change as an ally.
(C) Copyright 2009, Crystal Dawn Morris, all rights reserved.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Tantra Tip of the Day - 8 Keys for Energizing the Chakras

Tantra sees the human body as a temple. The body is a laboratory for consciousness to play and explore the material world. In Tantra we use our sexual energy to expand awareness by moving it through the body's energy centers. These centers, located along the spine are called chakras, which means wheels of light. As consciousness expands through the chakras the energy body is refined and there is less identification with the ego and separation from Source is recognized as an illusion.
Tantra teaches you how to move your sexual energy from your root, up to your heart center and then up to your crown. Awareness grows as each chakra center is cleared and begins to flow with abundant energy. Sexual energy moves from the root towards the heart, connecting sex with love. Then it moves from the heart to the crown where you enter the mystical realms. Here you discover that you are not your thoughts, body, feelings or beliefs. You are the Divine celebrating life in human form, enjoying the ability to experience pleasure, bliss and Unity Consciousness. Some of the benefits of energizing the chakras are improved health, sexual vitality, mental clarity, expanded creativity and inner peace.
Here are 8 Keys for energizing the Chakras. Try this:
1) Stand with your knees hip width apart and slightly bent.
2) Breathe through your mouth and into the belly, allowing it to expand.
3) Increase the energy by breathing in as if you are sipping through straw.
4) Allow your pelvis to rotate freely, keeping the knees bent. As you inhale rock the hips back, creating an arch in the back. As you exhale, tuck the tail bone under, flattening the back.
5) Add the PC pump. As you inhale squeeze the pelvic floor muscles pulling them upwards and as you exhale let them relax.
6) Put all the steps together. As you inhale imagine you are breathing the energy up from your root to your heart. Practice this until you feel the energy pulsing from your root to your heart. You can play with speeding up and slowing down your respiratory rate.
7) Once you have mastered connecting root and heart try moving the energy to the crown. Practice until you can feel the energy flowing easily from your root to your crown. See yourself as a rainbow bridge of light connecting Earth and Sky.
8) This is a great daily practice. It is also a great practice to do prior to making love and can also be incorporated it into your love making.
(C) Copyright 2009, Crystal Dawn Morris, all rights reserved.
(C) Art by Skydancer
sacred temple
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Tantra Tip of the Day- Be a Pleasure Artist
Experiencing pleasure on a daily basis is important to your health. Pleasure has many benefits. It helps you release tension, clear your mind and elevate your mood. When you experience pleasure, you brain releases hormones called endorphins that make you feel good. These hormones create a mild euphoria that has a positive effect on your entire body-mind. Pleasure does not mean over indulging. While eating one piece of chocolate cake may be pleasurable, eating three pieces could make you feel sick. When it stops feeling good then it is no longer pleasure.Integrating pleasure into your life will help you feel healthier and give you an over-all sense of well being.
4 Keys to Being a Pleasure Artist
1) Make pleasure a daily practice. Recognize its value and create space for it in your life.
2) Practice being present, rather than being lost in thoughts of past and future. Take presence breaks throughout the day, connect with your breath, and become aware of your body. Let go of thinking and be aware of the moment. Pleasure can only be experienced in the Now.
3) Heighten you sensory awareness. Pleasure is experienced through the senses. One way to discover more about how you perceive pleasure is by inviting some friends over and creating a sensory awareness ritual together. It s fun to do this blind folded as this heightens the other senses.
4) Pleasure is an art. Learn what gives you pleasure sexually. One of the best ways to do this is to self pleasure without a goal. Instead of being focused on achieving an orgasm, explore what gives you pleasure and see how much pleasure you can contain, allow your capacity for pleasure to grow. It is also fun to do this with your beloved watching, then he/she can learn new ways to make you feel good.
(c)Copyright by Crystal Dawn Morris 2009
4 Keys to Being a Pleasure Artist
1) Make pleasure a daily practice. Recognize its value and create space for it in your life.
2) Practice being present, rather than being lost in thoughts of past and future. Take presence breaks throughout the day, connect with your breath, and become aware of your body. Let go of thinking and be aware of the moment. Pleasure can only be experienced in the Now.
3) Heighten you sensory awareness. Pleasure is experienced through the senses. One way to discover more about how you perceive pleasure is by inviting some friends over and creating a sensory awareness ritual together. It s fun to do this blind folded as this heightens the other senses.
4) Pleasure is an art. Learn what gives you pleasure sexually. One of the best ways to do this is to self pleasure without a goal. Instead of being focused on achieving an orgasm, explore what gives you pleasure and see how much pleasure you can contain, allow your capacity for pleasure to grow. It is also fun to do this with your beloved watching, then he/she can learn new ways to make you feel good.
(c)Copyright by Crystal Dawn Morris 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
Tantra Tip of the Day - "I AM THAT"

"I AM THAT" is a book recommended by Eckart Tolle and Adyashanti. This book is a collection of the timeless teachings of one of the great modern sages of India, Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj.
Nisargadatta Maharaj,a simple shopkeeper live in Bombay, and died there in 1981 at the age of 84. He was not formally educated, but came to be respected and loved for his insights into the causes of human suffering. Hundreds of seekers traveled to his humble home from all over the world to hear him speak. He gave them hope that "beyond the real experience is not the mind, but the self, the light in which everything appears...the awareness in which everything happens." His mission was to guide individuals to understand their true nature and as "timeless being."
Here are a few quotes from the book...
Nothing can trouble you but your own imagination. (I AM THAT p.113)
General knowledge develops the mind, no doubt. But if you are going to spend your life in amassing knowledge, you build a wall round yourself. To go beyond the mind, a well-furnished mind is not needed. (p50)
The window is the absence of the wall, and it gives air and light because it is empty. Be empty of al mental content, of all imagination and effort, and the very absence of obstacles will cause reality to rush in. (p260)
Leave it all behind you. Forget it. Go forth, unburdened with ideas and beliefs. Abandon all verbal structures, all relative truth, all tangible objectives. (p340)
All are mere words, of what use are they to you? You are entangled in the web of verbal definitions and formulations. Go beyond your concepts and ideas; in the silence of desire and thought the truth is found. (p295)
Too much analysis leads you nowhere. There is in you the core of being which is beyond analysis, beyond the mind. You can know it in action only. The legitimate function of the mind is to tell you what is not. But if you want possitive knowledge, you must go beyond the mind. (p341)
Before you can know anything directly, non-verbally, you must know the knower. So far, you took the mind for the knower, but it is not so. The mind clogs you up with images and ideas, which leave scars in memory. You take remembering to be knowledge. True knowledge is ever fresh, new, unexpected. It wells up from within. When you know what you are, you also are what you know. Between knowing and being there is no gap. (p520)
Consciousness, being a product of conditions and circumstances, depends on them and changes along with them. What is independent, uncreated, timeless and changeless and yet ever new and fresh is beyond the mind. When the mind thinks of it, the mind dissolves and only happiness remains. (p488)
[With self-awareness] you grow more intelligent. In awareness you learn, in self-awareness you learn about yourself. Of course, you can only learn what you are not. To know what you are, you must go beyond the mind. Awareness is the point at which the mind reaches out beyond itself into reality. In awareness you seek not what pleases, but what is true. (p346)
Stop making use of your mind and see what happens. Do this one thing thoroughly. That is all. (p197)
Here is a video about him. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MUyLIYVrd5U
Today see if you can feel the stillness that is always present beyond the mind's thoughts. Stop for moments throughout the day and be still. Allow "awareness" to become conscious. Know that you are this "Awareness," not the body/mind which you are occupying in this lifetime. Discover that which is never born and never dies. www.TantraGal.Blogspot.com
(C) Copyright 2009, Crystal Dawn Morris, all rights reserved.
I Am That,
Nisargadatta Maharaj
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Tantra Tip of the Day - The Solstice and the Divine Masculine
Happy Summer Solstice! Happy Father’s Day!
Today, June 21, 2009 is the summer solstice, the longest day of the year. The sunlight is associated with the masculine principle, making today the height of the masculine energy for the year. Each person has both masculine and feminine energies. Today is also Father’s Day the celebration of the male aspect of creation. Some of the qualities of the masculine are: being present, still, focused, directional, purposeful, confident and active, to name a few, the qualities that one often admires in a strong father figure.
Today take time to become aware of your relationship with your own inner masculine and your own inner father. Is this a part of yourself you are familiar with? Do you admire this part of yourself, deny it, love it or ignore it? Spend some time today celebrating the masculine principle of life. Also give you father a call if he is alive and if he has crossed over acknowledge him for the gifts you received from him.
(C) Copyright 2009, Crystal Dawn Morris, all rights reserved.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Tantra Tip of the Day- You Do Not Have to Be Good
Wild Geese is a poem by Mary Oliver it begins with these lines-
You do not have to be good
You do not need to walk on your knees,
for a hundred miles through the desert, repenting.
You only need to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves.
I love this poem; it speaks to how much we all want to belong, to be connected with all the life around us. Today, "let the soft animal of your body love what it loves." What kind of animal are you? How does this animal body give and receive love? Feel into your relationship to loneliness and despair. Have compassion for your own suffering and the suffering of others. See if you can connect to the "family of things" that you are a part of, recognize you are never alone. You are life as well.
You do not have to be good
You do not need to walk on your knees,
for a hundred miles through the desert, repenting.
You only need to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves.
I love this poem; it speaks to how much we all want to belong, to be connected with all the life around us. Today, "let the soft animal of your body love what it loves." What kind of animal are you? How does this animal body give and receive love? Feel into your relationship to loneliness and despair. Have compassion for your own suffering and the suffering of others. See if you can connect to the "family of things" that you are a part of, recognize you are never alone. You are life as well.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
OneTantra a New Tantra Vision and Community

A couple of weeks ago I told you about OneTantra, an amazing, new, online community that gives you to access to Tantra friends, groups and teachers. There were some technical problems that prevented people from being able to register. The have now been ironed out. They are offering some extra gifts as downloads to make up for any inconvenience you may have had.
I got involved because I believe OneTantra is about creating an ecstatic world. I will be facilitating several groups there, including a group about SkyDancing Tantra and a group about David Deida's Sexual Yoga.
OneTantra is an online community that's sort of a Learning Annex-meets-Facebook-in-TantraLand community. You can meet people there, both nearby or far away, who share your interest in Tantra. Looking for someone to practice with? This is a great place to find them, because it is a community of people who love Tantra and want to share it with others.
OneTantra is a place where you can study Tantra with a variety of great teachers. It is a place where you can ask questions, learn new practices and find like-minded others. I am on the faculty and will be teaching classes there next year.
Please come and explore this new Tantra Vision. Be a part of the Shift to higher consciousness. I'll see you there. When you join look for me and become my friend. I will be happy to help you get oriented to the site.
Because I'm one of the founding members, I was able to get you the first month free. Just go to my link here:
Love and Light,
Crystal Dawn Morris
S.E.A.L. Team Member
You'll also get the OneTantra Manifesto for free as well. Check it out! http://www.1shoppingcart.com/app/?af=993586
If you decide to join, you will receive even more free gifts!
PS. Once again, go check it out here:
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
The Tantra Tip of the Day- Pain, the Friend We Don't Appreciate
When pain arises, we just want it to stop. Why this? Why me? Why now? I don’t deserve this pain. Go away! If it is physical we often take drugs to make stop. If it is emotional we may stuff it away, deny it or numb out in a variety of ways. Rarely do we embrace it as a friend. Pain is just not appreciated.
When we are in great pain it may completely overwhelm us. There is nothing but the pain. It feels like it will never end. We become victims of our pain. Pain is this thing, outside of us, causing us harm.
Pain is not separate from who we are. Pain is a messenger we send to ourselves to communicate that something is not flowing, is out of alignment, and needs to shift so our energy can flow. Don’t shoot the messenger.
Pain is here to help; its purpose is to wake us up. What would happen if we saw pain as helpful friend? Instead of trying to get rid of it, we could greet it at the door and invite it in for tea. We could sit with it, listen to it and love it for showing up and sharing its truth with us.
My own experience with pain has been that when I push it away, it only gets more demanding. When I turn to face it and listen to what it as to say I can embrace it. Then I open, and then there is a shift that changes my whole perspective. I am not a victim anymore. Pain is my ally. We share a common desire, which is to be present, integrated and whole.
The next time you are in pain, instead of pushing it away. Face it and approach it as a friend. Ask questions. Listen deeply. Discover the gift hidden in the pain. Surrender, open, be present and love yourself.
(C) Copyright 2009, Crystal Dawn Morris, all rights reserved.
When we are in great pain it may completely overwhelm us. There is nothing but the pain. It feels like it will never end. We become victims of our pain. Pain is this thing, outside of us, causing us harm.
Pain is not separate from who we are. Pain is a messenger we send to ourselves to communicate that something is not flowing, is out of alignment, and needs to shift so our energy can flow. Don’t shoot the messenger.
Pain is here to help; its purpose is to wake us up. What would happen if we saw pain as helpful friend? Instead of trying to get rid of it, we could greet it at the door and invite it in for tea. We could sit with it, listen to it and love it for showing up and sharing its truth with us.
My own experience with pain has been that when I push it away, it only gets more demanding. When I turn to face it and listen to what it as to say I can embrace it. Then I open, and then there is a shift that changes my whole perspective. I am not a victim anymore. Pain is my ally. We share a common desire, which is to be present, integrated and whole.
The next time you are in pain, instead of pushing it away. Face it and approach it as a friend. Ask questions. Listen deeply. Discover the gift hidden in the pain. Surrender, open, be present and love yourself.
(C) Copyright 2009, Crystal Dawn Morris, all rights reserved.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Tantra Tip of the Day- Lucid Living
I read this great little book yesterday, called Lucid Living by Timothy Freke, http://www.timothyfreke.com/. It takes about one hour to read it, if you savory each word. I checked it out of the library. What I love about the book is that it is so simple and direct. The Good News, you can awaken today.
Here are 7 insights for waking up from the dream called life:
1-Life is a mystery.
2-Now is all you know.
3-You are not a person.
4-The world exists in you.
5-All is One.
6-You are a paradox.
7- Being one, is loving all.
Lucid living is whole heartedly engaging with ordinary life as an epic adventure of awakening. Enjoy! Here is the Amazon link to the book. http://www.amazon.com/Lucid-Living-book-world-inside/dp/0952632098
Today recognize that life is a dream and you are the dreamer. You are both in the dream and the dreamer of it. Everyone else is dreaming and the dreamer too. When you recognize that life is a dream, you shift your perspective. Then you see that you are not the story going on in your dream. You are the awareness that contains all dreams and is beyond form, space and time. You become aware of your true nature as conscious awareness.
(C) Copyright 2009, Crystal Dawn Morris, all rights reserved.
Here are 7 insights for waking up from the dream called life:
1-Life is a mystery.
2-Now is all you know.
3-You are not a person.
4-The world exists in you.
5-All is One.
6-You are a paradox.
7- Being one, is loving all.
Lucid living is whole heartedly engaging with ordinary life as an epic adventure of awakening. Enjoy! Here is the Amazon link to the book. http://www.amazon.com/Lucid-Living-book-world-inside/dp/0952632098
Today recognize that life is a dream and you are the dreamer. You are both in the dream and the dreamer of it. Everyone else is dreaming and the dreamer too. When you recognize that life is a dream, you shift your perspective. Then you see that you are not the story going on in your dream. You are the awareness that contains all dreams and is beyond form, space and time. You become aware of your true nature as conscious awareness.
(C) Copyright 2009, Crystal Dawn Morris, all rights reserved.
Lucid Living,
Timothy Freke
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