Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Tantra Tip of the Day- Allowing Abundance to Flow

In challenging times it is easy to believe the stories you hear in the news and from the people around you and contract into fear. It can begin to feel like you are losing control. Control is really just an illusion, the ego's attempt to hold on to the past instead of being in the moment and allowing the flow. The world is changing; you can fight it or surrender and change with it. Surrender does not mean to give up. It means to relax into each moment and trust the journey.

The first step is to let go of trying to control what is happening and learn to ride the waves. Take time each day to shift your attention from what is going on in the world around you and focus inward. Within you there is a quiet, spacious place of being. Rest in this place as often as you can. To find it close your eyes, exhale with a deep sigh, let go of everything and relax into the nothingness. Notice the space between the thoughts and allow these spaces to grow.

Second, feel into the body and see if you can become aware of your body’s vibration. It is a subtle energy that flows through you. Once you are aware of it notice how far it extends beyond your body. See if you can expand your energy a little farther out from your body. This energy has consciousness. Your body-mind is a magnet that has the ability to attract whatever it focuses its attention on. If you generate negative thoughts you will attract negative energy. If you generate positive thoughts you will attract positive energy.

Third, abundance is about allowing. Relax, open up and be in the flow, release negative beliefs that block abundance. State clearly, in words, thoughts and deeds what you want to attract into your life. Offer gratitude for all that you receive and give generously to others. Become aware of when your thoughts, words or action are out of alignment with your desires and quickly shift back into being in the flow. When obstacles arise see them as a gift. They are either there to shift your course or to wake you up. Welcome change as an ally.

(C) Copyright 2009, Crystal Dawn Morris, all rights reserved.

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