Thursday, July 9, 2009

Tantra Tip of the Day - 8 Keys for Energizing the Chakras

Tantra sees the human body as a temple. The body is a laboratory for consciousness to play and explore the material world. In Tantra we use our sexual energy to expand awareness by moving it through the body's energy centers. These centers, located along the spine are called chakras, which means wheels of light. As consciousness expands through the chakras the energy body is refined and there is less identification with the ego and separation from Source is recognized as an illusion.

Tantra teaches you how to move your sexual energy from your root, up to your heart center and then up to your crown. Awareness grows as each chakra center is cleared and begins to flow with abundant energy. Sexual energy moves from the root towards the heart, connecting sex with love. Then it moves from the heart to the crown where you enter the mystical realms. Here you discover that you are not your thoughts, body, feelings or beliefs. You are the Divine celebrating life in human form, enjoying the ability to experience pleasure, bliss and Unity Consciousness. Some of the benefits of energizing the chakras are improved health, sexual vitality, mental clarity, expanded creativity and inner peace.

Here are 8 Keys for energizing the Chakras. Try this:

1) Stand with your knees hip width apart and slightly bent.

2) Breathe through your mouth and into the belly, allowing it to expand.

3) Increase the energy by breathing in as if you are sipping through straw.

4) Allow your pelvis to rotate freely, keeping the knees bent. As you inhale rock the hips back, creating an arch in the back. As you exhale, tuck the tail bone under, flattening the back.

5) Add the PC pump. As you inhale squeeze the pelvic floor muscles pulling them upwards and as you exhale let them relax.

6) Put all the steps together. As you inhale imagine you are breathing the energy up from your root to your heart. Practice this until you feel the energy pulsing from your root to your heart. You can play with speeding up and slowing down your respiratory rate.

7) Once you have mastered connecting root and heart try moving the energy to the crown. Practice until you can feel the energy flowing easily from your root to your crown. See yourself as a rainbow bridge of light connecting Earth and Sky.

8) This is a great daily practice. It is also a great practice to do prior to making love and can also be incorporated it into your love making.
(C) Copyright 2009, Crystal Dawn Morris, all rights reserved.
(C) Art by Skydancer

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Crystal. This is a clear exposition and I will pass it along!


