Thursday, February 26, 2009

Tantra Tip of the Day- Honoring the Beloved

Within each of us is an Inner Beloved. How much are you in touch with yours. I received this piece of writing from my Facebook friend, Frank, this morning. I found it touching. Read it and see what it brings up for you.

My Beloved
In complete surrender, I give my heart to my Beloved. I love her in Form; I love her in Emptiness. I love her as she is coming; I love her as she is going; I love her presence, her absence. I love her in motion; I love her at rest; I love her expression; I love her silence. We are the audience that loves each other into being, her and me. She exists through the function of My Awareness and I am devoted to her out of my own selfish lust for the delight she brings. At the same time, I am immediately willing for her to walk out of my life forever (as if that were possible). My surrender is that complete. Of course, she can never leave me. Yes, water may leave the ocean, but its return is inevitable, and even when some of the water is traveling, even swimming through these veins, the Ocean is still there. My Beloved is forever in my heart, always, in all ways. We are creator and creature of each other. By Frank Carson Boyd, Feb. 24, 2009

In order to give and receive love, you need to have a healthy relationship with both your Inner Lover and Inner Beloved. Try this: Find a place sit or lie down quietly, breathe into your belly and let yourself become relaxed. Imagine yourself in a peaceful place. Call your Inner Beloved to you and see what you discover. How do look, notice their size, shape and coloring? How are they dressed? What qualities do they have? Do they have a message or a gift for you? Repeat this process with your Inner Lover and see what you discover. Find a way to honor both your Inner Beloved and your Inner Lover today. When your Inner Beloved feels honored by your Inner Lover all of your relationships will benefit. Share your experience with someone you love.

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