It has been an interesting couple of weeks for me. Doing my taxes and looking at my finances triggered some fear about the future. I found myself stuck in my head trying to figure it out and suffering arose. As I sat with the fears it became clear I had to let go of the story and look at what was creating the suffering. Being stuck in past and future was causing of my suffering.
It is easy so beat yourself up when you judge your past choices based on today’s knowledge. “If only...this. If only...that.” Then the future feels like a minefield of “What ifs....”
"Leaping into the void" took me out of the story. "Being still" took me out of past and future. "Facing into the wind of my suffering" helped me to open to trusting the Now. After a week of being in the not knowing without resistance, I am in a completely different space. I have relaxed and surrendered. I am at peace. My creative juices are starting to flow again. I am excited about the unfolding of my life.
The future is still a mystery. I no longer “need to know what is going to happen” to feel safe. My faith in Source as an abundant field of love is restored. I relax, breathe and appreciate the moment. I see the beauty and abundance all around me. I am open to receiving miracles in my life. I am ready for the opportunities and challenges the Universe is offering me so I can give my gifts and grow. I have learn to appreciate fear is a doorway to peace.
Try this, the next time you find yourself stuck, afraid or contracted, see if you can let go of the story about it. Let go of past and future. Drop into the Now and ask yourself what is the deeper Truth? Be still and allow yourself to open and discover the gift hidden in whatever appears to be creating your suffering. Open and receive the gift and appreciate the opportunity to grow.
Original Art by Paul Heussenstamm,
(C) Copyright 2009, Crystal Dawn Morris, all rights reserved.
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