Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Women in Sedona Celebrate the Goddess Within

 This event will transform your life.  I  look forward to offering this workshop in Sedona and invite you to come to the land of red rocks and discover the goddess inside of you. Here are testimonials from 3 women who attended the Women Healing Women event recently .

"The WHW Weekend allowed me to reconnect with my deeper feminine self and see myself with fresh eyes, free of the biases and standards that society imposes on women these days. It allowed me to gain new appreciation for physical and spiritual beauty that we as women are so lucky to radiate. Cheryl and Crystal were wonderful. I felt very comfortable going on this journey with them. Most of all, the workshop was about taking the weekend to appreciate and know yourself better, get to know other beautiful women, expand your mind and spirit and to have fun."

 Another woman said, "The Woman Healing Women workshop was very eye opening. It was great to work on healing a area that for many years I ignored and suppressed. I was able to make important growth in such a supportive environment. I realized I was not in my feminine energy enough and how to feel comfortable in that energy and embrace it. What a gift!"

Video testimonial Watch and hear how this event changed Kelley's life. 

Please register soon the Early bird price ends Nov. 22. Contact Cheryl at or call 847-624-8926.

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