MAN NEEDS TO BE NEEDED. It is one of the most fundamental needs of human beings. Unless one is cared for, one starts dying. Unless one feels that he is significant to somebody -- at least to somebody -- his whole life becomes insignificant. Hence, LOVE IS THE GREATEST THERAPY THERE IS. The world needs therapy because the world is missing love. IN A REALLY LOVING WORLD, NO THERAPY WILL BE NEEDED AT ALL; love will be enough, more than enough.
HUGGING IS ONLY A GESTURE OF LOVE, OF WARMTH, OF CARING. The very feel of the warmth flowing from the other person melts many illnesses in you, melts the ice-like cold ego. It makes you a child again. Psychologists are well aware of the fact now that unless a child is hugged, kissed, he misses some nourishment. JUST AS THE BODY NEEDS FOOD, THE SOUL NEEDS LOVE. You can give the child all the physical needs, all the physical comforts -- but if hugging is missing, the
child will not grow into a wholesome being; he will remain somewhere deep down sad, uncared for, neglected, ignored. He was nursed, but he
was not mothered.
It has been observed that if a child is not hugged, he starts
shrinking, he can even die. Although everything else was provided for-- as far as the body is concerned every care was taken - - but if no love surrounded the child, he becomes isolated, he becomes disconnected from existence. LOVE IS OUR CONNECTION, LOVE IS OUR VERY ROOT. Just as you breathe... for the body it is absolutely essential -- stop breathing and you are no more -- in the same way love is the inner breath. THE SOUL LIVES BY LOVING.
Analysis won't do it, wit and clarity, knowledge and scholarship won't do it. You can know all there is to know about therapy -- you can become an expert -- but if you don't know the art of love, you remain
only on the surface of the miracle of therapy. The moment you start feeling for the patient, for the one who is suffering... OUT OF A HUNDRED CASES, NINETY PEOPLE ARE SUFFERING BECAUSE THEY HAVE NOT BEEN LOVED... If you start feeling the need for love of the patient, and if
you can fulfill the need, there will be an almost magical change in the condition of the patient.
HUGGING IS ONLY A GESTURE OF ONENESS. EVEN THE GESTURE HELPS! And if the hug is authentic and true -- not just a gesture, but your heart is also in it -- it can be a magical tool, it can be a miracle, it can transform the whole situation instantly. Hugging gives you an immediate contact with the child within. If you hug somebody with warmth, with love -- if it is not just an impotent gesture -- if it is meaningful, significant. .. If your heart is flowing through it,immediately you come in contact with the child, with the innocent child. And to contact that innocent child is therapeutic.
And the innocent child, surfacing even for a single moment, makes a tremendous difference -- because the innocence of the child is always healthy and whole, uncorrupted. You have reached to the innermost core
of the person, where no corruption has ever entered. You have reached to the virgin core. AND JUST MAKING THE VIRGIN CORE THROB AGAIN WITH LIFE IS ENOUGH. You have started, you have triggered a process of healing.
The Wild Geese and the Water
Ch #4: Soul: Living by loving
I am in Buddha Hall
Thank you for sharing this! Yes, love is a food source of the soul. Well, there's that and the thing about music that I've been reading in other blogs. They're saying that uplifting music has a soothing effect to the soul. So, what if we both combine that music and that small gesture of love? Wouldn't that be soothing for the soul?
ReplyDeleteI discovered that a certain frequency has a soothing effect on people. This was taught to me by my Thetahealing instructor. During our sessions, music was used while we were praying. The music gave this soothing effect on us during the prayer, and it's like we've never been that happy before after the prayer itself. I've been combining the concept of adding sound to your relaxation from Thetahealing and the concepts of other forms of meditations like Yoga to see the effects.