Saturday I taught a one-day class in Phoenix on how to awaken the full-body orgasm and what a great day we had. Everyone experience the ecstatic energy and learned how to open their inner flute and expand into bliss. This class is based on Margot Anand's SkyDancing Tantra. I developed this one-day class for both new and experience people to have an opportunity to embody their orgasmic energy outside a sexual context. Every time I teach this class I am amazed at how power these tools are and how quickly people can open and take it to the next level. I was delighted to have a member of the Deida Connection attend this event.
In truth bliss is always available us it is just that most of the time we are to busy to notice what is all around and through us. I feel very lucky to be teaching this work.
In truth bliss is always available us it is just that most of the time we are to busy to notice what is all around and through us. I feel very lucky to be teaching this work.
This picture is called the Secret Rapture by Andrew Gonzalez, http://www.sublimatrix.com/.
Bliss is always available us it is just that most of the time we are to busy to notice...i like that..u said it..congrats on your good blog and knowledgable content..