Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Opening to Devotion - Rumi's Wedding Day

On Dec 17th I was at an event celebrating Rumi’s Wedding Day, the day he left his body. My friend Gabriella, recited the poems of Rumi, Hafiz and Lalla’s , actually she does more than recite their words she channels their presence through their words. She was backed up by a band of 4 men who accompanied her with drums, bells and didgeridoos. The magic of these Sufi poets and the beautiful music sat the tone of the evening.

The second half of the event was devoted to ziker, a dance of turning in a slow circle as Rumi did. As I danced I became aware of the energy of the ziker as masculine, one of entering into the emptiness. I then allowed myself the freedom to dance in a feminine way which was wild and passionate. I then experimented by going back and forth between the two forms of dance. In finally accepted that I was much more at home in the wild feminine form and I surrendered fully to my feminine passion.

At the end of the evening, as the last noted was played I dropped to the ground in surrender and at that moment my heart was flooded with devotion. I recognized the power of the masculine to hold the space and provided the container for my feminine passion to express herself. I was deeply moved to express my devotion to Gabriella and to the band members. I went up to each of them and bowed down to them and thanked them. I felt so much trust and presence in that moment, so much love. The depth of consciousness had penetrated me fully and I was one with the emptiness and I was not afraid. I was at peace.

Art by Andrew Gonzalez:

Monday, December 8, 2008

The Full-Body Orgasm Class Dec.6th in Phoenix

Saturday I taught a one-day class in Phoenix on how to awaken the full-body orgasm and what a great day we had. Everyone experience the ecstatic energy and learned how to open their inner flute and expand into bliss. This class is based on Margot Anand's SkyDancing Tantra. I developed this one-day class for both new and experience people to have an opportunity to embody their orgasmic energy outside a sexual context. Every time I teach this class I am amazed at how power these tools are and how quickly people can open and take it to the next level. I was delighted to have a member of the Deida Connection attend this event.

In truth bliss is always available us it is just that most of the time we are to busy to notice what is all around and through us. I feel very lucky to be teaching this work.
This picture is called the Secret Rapture by Andrew Gonzalez,

To learn more about my classes go to

The Wave of Bliss

The week of Nov. 10-16, 2008, I had the pleasure of assisting Margot Anand and Jelle Bode at the Love and Ecstatsy Training Level 3: The Wave of Bliss in northern California. Margot creates an amazing container for people to expand their consciousness and move into new experiences. This group was particularly open to taking it to the next level and they did. Our closing ritual took us flying out into the cosmos.

Being a part of a week long workshop with people who have spent a 6 months bonding is a great gift. It gives me hope for the world. By the end of the week there was such a sense of love, trust and connection that no one wanted to leave. I believe if we could expose everyone in the world to this work we could end war.

Thank you to all beings who are on the SkyDancing path may it continue to grow and end all suffering everywhere.
