Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Dance of Shakti and Shiva

My first introduction to this work was in a workshop called the Yin and Yang of Ecstasy, taught by Margot Anand and Jim Benson. That was 5 years ago. I have spent the last 5 years exploring the inner and outer dance of the masculine and feminine energies.

I am still learning how to gracefully "be" in the dance without stepping on his toes or getting my toes stepped on. At times I am in the flow of life, both with myself and my relationships. At other times I still get a bit lost and/or confused. What I have learned, is to see my patterns and recognize the old beliefs much quicker. I also take responsibility for my experience without blaming it on him.

The challenge I have been dealing with recently is, what to do when the man disappears into his cave. I know I should just leave him alone in there, until he comes out on his own. However it sometimes seems like he has forgotten I even exist. So, after what feels to me like a long time, I find myself standing at the mouth of his cave wondering, "Is he ever coming out of there?" This is especially true when I am in a place of wanting his support because I am going through a challenging time. I remind myself that life is a process. I continue to learn how to accept myself, love what is and feel gratitude for my commitment to being whole.

I am passionate about this work. I will be co-facilitating a weekend workshop on this topic with Micheal Pooley Nov. 21-23 in Sedona, AZ.
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