Sunday, October 18, 2015

Mastering the Power of Pleasure Retreat

Master the Power of Pleasure
A 7-day Body-Mind-Spirit Retreat in the Canary Islands
 March 5-12, 2016 at a Lovely Retreat Center in Lanzarote

 In this week-long retreat you will learn how pleasure can enhance your sense of well-being and bring more ease and bliss into your life and relationships.
Contact Elaine Young:

Why should I attend and what will I gain?
  • At the end of this week your relationship to your pleasure and your capacity to experience pleasure will be formed, reformed or reconnected.
  • The week will take you to meet your current pleasure limit or pleasure ceiling, it will then support you to expand your capacity to hold and experience pleasure in al its forms.
  • You will have the new experience of holding pleasure at a heightened state for a prolonged experience of time and you will know how to effectively reconnect to pleasure when you move away from it, when something external in life takes you out of it, when you forget, shut down or feel fear.
  • You will then take this new reality back into your everyday life.  You will have gained a deep reference point in your being and body as to what pleasure is for you.
  • You will understand and appreciate how crucial this is to your wellbeing and therefore you will give it attention and priority.
  • You will be confident in understanding and speaking out your boundaries and therefore you will be more willing to allow it.
  • You will have learned a number of techniques and skills to masterfully reconnect yourself to pleasure whenever you choose to. 

Is this simply a week of pleasure & fun?

Sure this week will offer you the opportunity to have fun and pleasure, but the purpose of this week is much deeper and more powerful than that alone.

What experience are we offering you?
  • This retreat is an opportunity to immerse yourself in, to be held and guided in a strong safe container for 7 days.
  • This container will move you through the many different forms and intensities of pleasure so that your mind, body and soul can reset, rewire, learn or re learn what pleasure is for you and how it feels.
  • In the process your relationship to pleasure will be changed, reset and will have expanded on a neurological, cellular, somatic and mind level.
  • You will have increased and heightened your pleasure limit or pleasure ceiling.
Why Pleasure?

Certain things in life are really important to our quality of life and our physical and emotional wellbeing.  Our nutrition, our physical fitness and our ability to experience, feel and receive pleasure are all essential nurturing aspects of living life as a human being.
Pleasure can be gained from our intimate and casual relationships with others, our work, food, sports, hobbies, passions in life, dancing, music, singing, touch, sexuality and relaxation.  Pleasure keeps us engaged in life, it keeps us young and healthy and it changes the state of our mental and physical wellbeing. Pleasure  floods our systems with happy and healing hormones and other substances. Pleasure is medicine for the body, mind and soul.
Why this Retreat?

If you want to explore your relationship to food and nutrition you may choose to go on a healthy eating or detox retreat or you may explore fasting. If you want to improve your physical health you might attend a wellbeing retreat or a fitness bootcamp. This is week long is the pleasure equivalent your very own ‘Pleasure Bootcamp’ or ‘Pleasure Retox Retreat’.
This sounds exciting or scary, or both?

Yes, the idea of plentiful pleasure is both exciting and scary for many of us. Our fears and desires in life are so closely related and interlinked that we often desire what we fear and fear what we desire…. so yes it can bring up fear and doubt to of step forward and commit to really allowing and exploring your own pleasure. It can also bring up feelings or thoughts of shame, guilt, selfishness and unworthiness. It can feel scary to take full responsibility for our own pleasure.
We understand that to feel this fear and excitement in around pleasure is ‘normal’ for many of us and we are able to offer you full support as and when you may need it. If difficulties arise for you we invite this as a part of the process and both of us have the skills and knowledge to coach and hold you in a way that allows you to move forward at your own pace.  We commit to holding you with love, admiration for your courage and compassion for all of our humanness 
So whether this scares or excites you, this week is for you.

Why do I need to learn how to feel pleasure, shouldn’t that come naturally to me?

Amazingly in life, most if not all, of us are born with a wonderful natural sense of innocence and pleasure. For many of us sadly the experiences we have in life move us away from pleasure.
We may judge it as wrong, we are afraid of it, others judge or disapprove when we express pleasure, my church, family or culture tells me its wrong, we are punished for feeling pleasure, because of particular life experiences we sometimes are dramatically disconnected from or forget/block out how to feel pleasure. For all or any of these reasons we move away from pleasure, choose not to allow it or disconnect from it. We therefore need to learn or relearn how to allow, invite and welcome pleasure back into our life.

 Who is the week long suitable for?
  • You find it difficult or impossible to experience pleasure with some external stimulus, another person, toys, imagery.
  • You have a desire for more pleasure in your life.
  • Your life may be good, great even, but you are missing pleasure in certain parts of your life, for example your mind may be a place that has plenty of pleasure but you may be lacking it in your body or vice versa.
  • You are aware of addictive patterns around how you experience pleasure.
  • You have a knowing that you do not allow yourself to experience pleasure.
  • You have knowing that there is more pleasure possible .
  • You have a good level of pleasure but you want to experience the maximum pleasure possible for yourself in this life, in this body.
  • You are afraid of pleasure or you feel guilty about experiencing pleasure.
  • You are great at giving pleasure to others but struggle to allow yourself to receive pleasure.
  • You are a curious adventurer.
  • You have always put the needs of others above your own needs.
  • You have healed and moved on from many of your life challenges, you are no longer in pain or suffering but you are still a long way away from pleasure.
  • You are trapped in pain and suffering and learning to experience pleasure could be very healing for you.
 Is this week for singles or couples? 

This week is suitable for singles, couples including those of all genders and all sexual orientations. Couples if you wish to attend you can work with your partner only or choose to work with others. This is great container for couples to regain the relationship with pleasure as individuals and as part of your relationship. You can choose not to interact with others at all. 

What will we do? 

We will have group sessions during the day and sometimes in the evenings.  We will take this journey with pleasure using a different number of exercises, rituals and meditations based on some modern day specialities like sexological bodywork, conscious communication and consent and we will dive into a number of ancient wise temple arts including Tantra, Meditation and Shamanism.

Techniques & Rituals
  • Mindfulness/Presence/Embodiment Exercises
  • Conscious Communication, Boundaries & Consent
  • Self love Meditations
  • Orgasmic Yoga
  • Core Erotic Theme Analysis
  • Body Energy Orgasm
  • Shamanic Breathwork Journeying
  • Masculine/Feminine Integration Exercises
  • Shadow Exploration
  • Tantric Puga Ritual
  • Sensory Awakening Ritual
  • Divinity Meditations
  • Sex Magic Rituals
  • Healthy Relationship Modelling
  • (exploring attachment, longing & neediness)
 Will there be opportunity to interact with others?

This week will other valuable opportunities to learn from and interact with others in the group. However, you do not need to engage with anyone to take part fully and gain the core gifts and learning of this intensive. You are always at choice. 

 What will I have to do ?

There is nothing you need to do, during this week you will be invited to exercise your self empowerment and sovereignty to the fullest. We will make offerings and invite you to explore, but you will always in at choice. There may be optional nudity at times, but you can choose to remained clothed for the whole week if that is our truth. 

What do I need to know?

You do not need any previous experience of similar or related work to attend this retreat.  All the information, skills and knowledge you require will be taught during this week. If you have attended other trainings based on meditation, sacred/conscious sexuality, tantra or shamanism this retreat will compliment and work well to build on those skills.
To register contact Elaine Young  Email:

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Become a Radiant Love Goddess in Sedona

Do you remember how you felt when you first fell in love-the sense of euphoria, walking on air, the complete acceptance and adoration of the beloved? 

Yes? Now, can you imagine feeling this way about yourself? 

Are you ready to fall deeply in love with yourself, even if you are frustrated by your body, overwhelmed by your family and work, and wondering where the excitement went in your relationship?

Are you ready to devote a weekend to falling in love with YOU?!?! 
The Women Healing Women Weekend: Reclaiming Our Sexual Radiance Weekend is your opportunity to rediscover what you love about yourself in the safety and sacredness of our Sedona, Arizona retreat center.

You will:
  • Experience life-changing breakthroughs 
  • Discover how to tap into your radiant sexual energy 
  • Be ready to manifest joy, intimacy and pleasure in your life
  • Join other women who are ready step into personal freedom 

Here is what two Women Healing Women participants wrote after their weekend experience:

"Coming into the weekend, I was curious if it was really as extraordinary as I had been told by a friend. Outcome? I feel WHOLE for the very first time in my life!"

"This weekend was way beyond what I expected. I gained insights into myself that I had not received in many years of doing workshops. I have fallen more in love with myself than ever before."

Through ritual, dance, dialogue, live sound meditations and the power of hands-on-healing, you will experience new insights, expansion and liberation.

We begin at 7:00 p.m. Friday, October 23rd and end Sunday, October 25 at 6:30 p.m. 

If you are ready to give yourself and the world the gift of a more authentic and juicy you then please join us for this amazing weekend!

Event is non-residential and snacks are provided. (You are responsible for your meals and accommodations.) Exact location of our lovely retreat location will be sent upon registration.

Enrollment is limited, so declare your love for you by registering now!
Your retreat investment –Early Bird tuition, $247 ends Sept. 21, thereafter $297. Register at EventBrite at: 17359598025 

This retreat is being taught by Crystal Dawn Morris and Cheryl Good. Contact Crystal (928-862-0762) or Cheryl (847-624-8926) if you have questions, concerns, excitement and inspirations!
See you in Sedona!!!

P.S. This retreat is the pre-requisite for attending the 

Women Healing Women II, The Spiritual Path of Feminine Pleasure Retreat, April 22-24, 2016. It is the last time Women Healing Women I will be offered in 2015.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Having the Safer Sex Conversation

This “script” is a good way to initiate a conversation about your sexual history and to ask someone else to share their sexual history with you.  Review your answers to the statements below. Practice saying them out loud in front of a mirror. Next, share this process with a friend or lover. Ideally, this is done prior to finding yourself in a sexually charged situation.
1.      “The last time I got tested for Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI’s) was…”

2.      A. “The tests I had done were…”   B. “The results of those tests were…”

A Comprehensive STI Panel consists of: HIV, Syphilis (Rapid Plasma Reagin test), Oral Herpes (HSV-1), Genital Herpes (HSV-2), HPV, Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C. Female testing usually includes a Pap Smear and wet mount to check for other common vaginal infections.  

3.      “My sexual orientation is…” (Straight, Gay, Bi, Transgender, Fluid…)

4.      “My relationship status is…” (Single. Dating. Living with a lover. Married. In an open relationship with one or more persons. Fluid bonded with one or more persons.)

5.      “My current relationship agreements that you need to be aware of are…”

6.      “My safer sex practices and/or boundaries are…”  

7.      “I use___________ to prevent unwanted pregnancies.”

8.      Share any risky activities you may have experienced since you were last tested.

9.     Then ask the other person, “How about you?” Listen closely to what they say and how they say it…  Ask questions, if you need clarification.

10.  If, after you both have shared your sexual histories you decide to engage in sex, take time to discuss what sexual activities you are open to at this time and what is off the menu. Share you desires, fears and “healthy boundaries.” Healthy boundaries are what you need to feel safe and stay open; they are dynamic and can expand as well as contract. Intimacy grows when you stay present, are authentic and communicate clearly using “I” statements.

©2015 Crystal Dawn Morris, Love and Freedom Coach, Tantra Teacher, ISTA Faculty

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Discover Heaven on Earth through the SSSEx Retreat

If you are interested in creating heaven to earth watch this video with Dan Powers from Naked Talk and Crystal Dawn Morris, lead-facilitator for the International School of Temple Arts sharing about the Spiritual Sexual Shamanic Experience Retreat. 

Learn more at :

Friday, June 26, 2015

The Spiritual Sexual Shamanic Experience in Winter Park, Colorado

Do you desire to live with more ease and flow? Are you ready to have more open and authentic connections with others? Join me in Colorado July 12-19. to learn more watch this video. 
Register at:

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Creating Heaven on Earth a Tele-class with Paul Sterling & Crystal Dawn Morris

Between Realms at

When life often throws you a curve ball you does it cause you to go into a downward spiral?
Do you believe that circumstances have the power to control how you feel?

Has your heart become guarded do to past disappointments?

What if...  Life doesn’t just happen to you?

What if you could choose how your life turns out?

Wouldn't you really want to know more...

Join Paul Sterling, creator of the Magic Relationship Method and relationship coach as he interviews Crystal Dawn Morris, a lead facilitator for the International School of Temple Arts as they explore - How to be the Conscious Creator of Your Life Experience. 

In this 1 hour Tele-class - you are invited to listen, participate and ask questions as Crystal Dawn uncovers the secrets to becoming the Conscious Creator of Your Life Experience.

Crystal Dawn will reveal:

1) Who or what is your true nature?

2) How do you find peace when the monkey mind is spinning out of control? 

3) Can your emotions be a guide to staying in your ease?

4) What is required to be a conscious creator?

5) Is it possible to live as love and freedom? 

Please attend this live and interactive call to get the most out of it...

If you can't attend at this time, the call will be recorded and the replay link will be posted here after the call.

Meeting Link for web access:

Call in US Toll Number:
(641) 715-3580 Access Code: 241016

At the scheduled date and time of the meeting, dial into the conference line. When prompted, enter the Access Code followed by the pound key. To join the online meeting, click on the meeting link listed above and follow the prompts to join the meeting.

Crystal Dawn Morris, MA, She has been involved with ISTA (International School of Temple Arts) since it was formed in 2008 and is a lead-faculty for the ISTA Trainings. 

She is also a Tantra Teacher and Intimacy Coach and has trained with the SkyDancing Institute and studied Tibetan Buddhism, Yoga and a variety of non-dual meditation traditions. Crystal founded Tantra for Awakening in 2007. She has been a Reiki Practitioner since 1994. 

Crystal is also a Certified Shamanic Breathwork Facilitator and Shamanic Minister. She began studying shamanism in 1985 and started a shamanic consulting practice in 1995. She has studied with Venus Rising Institute, the Foundation for Shamanic Studies and numerous Native Medicine People since 1992.

Crystal has been involved in women’s movement and spirituality for over 25 years. After the birth of her two sons, she became passionate about helping women to experience childbirth as a spiritual initiation. She worked in healthcare from 1984-2007; as an RN, NP and Certified Nurse-Midwife and has attended over 2,000 births. She lives in Sedona, Arizona and teaches in the USA, Canada, Europe and New Zealand.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Awaken in Colorado at the SSSEx

Join us in Winter Park, Colorado July 12-19, 2015

Do you desire deeper intimacy, understanding & sexual connection?

 Do you long to tap more deeply into your passion & 
what is alive for you right now?

Are you ready to break free of old patterns & 
embrace your inner guidance system?

If so, then join us for a life changing event this summer in the spectacular Rocky Mountains of Colorado!

If you are ready to transform your life, this experiential 7-day event is for you. Thousands of 
people on 5 continents have attended the ISTA training over the past 14 years and have been 
radically changed for the better by uncovering reactive patterns and transforming them into 
conscious ways of being. 
This retreat focuses on clearing the physical and emotional body of shame, guilt and fear 
related to sexuality and authenticity. This is done through multiple pathways of healing: guided
visualization, emotional release, shamanic initiations, energy tracking and conscious touch are 
just a few of the practices used to dive deep into the inner realms. The inner masculine and 
inner feminine archetypes are explored because when they are fully integrated a door opens to
a deeper knowing of the Self as whole and complete. 

This event unfolds within a powerful group process based on unconditional love, intimacy and 
acceptance of what is arising.  By the end of this event, you will feel more open, relaxed and 
present and be more in touch with effortless flow of life, no matter what it looks like. 
No prior knowledge of shamanism or sacred sexuality is necessary to attend this retreat. This 
event is about expanding beyond your comfort zone, while honoring your healthy boundaries. 

Nudity and intimate touch are a part of this training, however, you are always at choice and the
facilitators will help you navigate what is authentic for you.  Individuals and couples of any 
sexual preference are welcome to attend. 

To reserve your space today go to:  
