Monday, September 27, 2010

Chakra Talk

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This practice allows you to access the wisdom held in your chakra energy c You are lending your voice to the center you connect with so you can connect and communicate with it in a direct way, I more you are able to relax and surrender to the experience the easier it is to access the wisdom of your chakras coming through in their unique voice.

Set aside 15-30 minutes for this practice. Make sure the phone is off and that you won't be disturbed. This can be done alone or with a partner. If done alone have your journal nearby so you can take notes. You may also choose to record the experience. If done with a partner, only one person speaks and the other acts as a witness. They may take notes if that feels appropriate to both parties. The witness should not interrupt the speaker while the chakra is talking.

Begin with a Heart Salutation directing your attention to the chakra you are going to connect with. Sit or lie down in a comfortable position. Take slow, gentle, relaxing breaths into your belly. Relax deeply for about several minutes. As your exhale, breath out any tension you are holding. As you inhale, breathe in life force energy (pnana/chi/ki) and feel your body being energized.

When you are relaxed focus your attention on the chakra you fell called to connect with. Place your hands over the area related to that particular chakra. Breathe into this chakra and begin to tune into this part of your body and the energy of this chakra. Invite it you speak through you, saying, ( the name of the chakra) Heart, I desire to receive your wisdom and invite you to speak to me through my voice.

Then allow the chakra to speak to you, in the first person, "I Heart want to share that I have been feeling ignored lately. Crystal has been… I would like.... It would be helpful if…" Continue to tune in for 5-10 minutes. There may be phases as the information is accessed. Stay present with the process until it feels complete.

End with a Heart Salutation.

Adapted from The Art of Everyday Ecstasy by Margot Anand. This book has wonderful information on the chakras and how to access it directly.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Tantra Events in Chicago-Sept 29-Oct 4, Links and Updates

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Wednesday, Sept. 29: Pot luck and Exploring Masculine & Feminine Energy

This evening we will explore the qualities of masculine and feminine both within ourselves and in our relationships. We will explore the difference in the qualities of masculine and feminine energy through movement, dialog in dyads and conscious touch. This will increase your awareness of sexual polarity and how it affects your relationships. By shining the "light of consciousness" on these two forces you will learn how to create more presence, flow and harmony in your life. This exciting work is foundational to Tantric practice and can have immediate and profound results in your life. Open to individuals and couples of all ages and all levels of experience.

Private Coaching and Healing Sessions

Thursday, Sept. 30 and Friday, Oct. 1: Private coaching with Crystal Dawn for individuals and/or couples.

Please call Crystal at 928-282-5483 or Cell 928-862-0762 to schedule a session.

Couples coaching sessions can help you ignite your passion and deepen your connection with your partner. These sessions are customized to meet your needs and unfold in a container of respect, compassion, and safety. Relationships offer fertile soil for growth. You are a mirror for your beloved to see both their beauty and their shadow. In these sessions you will learn how to communicate your desires and create your dreams as you transform together.

Individual sessions are for anyone who wants to live a more vibrant, conscious, and abundant life. The journey is one of transformation; remembering your true self and deepening your connection to Source. As you release blocked energy and expand into bliss, you experience the abundance that is all around you and magic begins to unfold. The journey is about being… not doing; abundance flows, vitality increases, and ecstasy expands. You become the creator of your experience. Tantra coaching sessions can be done in person and/or over the phone.

Friday Oct 1, 7 pm: Heart Puja and an Introduction to Sky Dancing Tantra.

This event celebrates the joy of living as we create conscious community. The evening is dedicated to celebrating God/Goddess within each of us through breath, movement, guided visualization, and conscious communication. The intention is to open the heart and expand our capacity for loving connection. We strive to create a safe, respectful, and comfortable environment for all to open and connect. Are are welcome to attend.

Saturday Oct. 2, 1-6 pm: Expand into Bliss: Awaken Your Chakras

Open Your Inner Flute
Access Inner Guidance
Chakra Breath Meditation
Support Chakras with Asanas
Explore Your Chakra Energy Map
Clear Away Blocks and Balance Your Chakras
Connect to Source Energy and Allow Well Being to Flow

Today we will explore the energy map of the body and the Chakras. You will clear away old blocks and by the end of the day your whole being will be vibrating with energy. You will learn tools that can help you to access inner wisdom to improve your health and well being. Together we will celebrate the Divine in form. By the end of this event you will have a new experience of how your chakras can support you in living a more ecstatic and embodied life.

Sunday Oct. 3, 1-6 pm: Discover the Power of “Kundalini Massage”

Activate the Kundalini
Touch your beloved in a new way
Discover a new form of energetic massage
Expand your ability to contain and direct your energy
Clear away blocks and rebalance chakras

This powerful technique activates the energy centers and awakens the Kundalini. I created this practice with my friend Gaia at the request of Margot Anand for her advanced Love and Ecstasy Training. The Kundalini Massage is an energetic massage done with a partner. It can be done clothed or unclothed. We will begin with a warm up of dance and opening the inner flute as a group. I will then demonstrate the Kundalini Massage process. After the demo you will work in dyads as you are guided through the process. After a short integration time you will switch roles and I will guide you through the process again so that both people in the dyad will both give and receive.

Crystal Dawn Morris is the founder of Tantra for Awakening. She is a Certified SkyDancing Tantra Teacher. Her classes, workshops and private coaching sessions give people practical tools for creating an ecstatic life. She is known for her warmth, enthusiasm and ability to create a safe and sacred space where magic unfolds. She is passionate about sharing Tantra with others because it transforms with love and compassion. Tantra moves us beyond separation into connection where we can access more passion, abundance and joy. As we embody this practice we learn to feel the flow and presence in each moment.

For Cost and Location contact Lakshmi Luster, Phone 847-945-122

Monday, September 6, 2010

Tantra Helps You Stay Juicy After Menopause

Menopause can affect a woman's health, sexuality and vitality in a variety of ways. SkyDancing Tantra practices can be helpful in keeping you juicy and sexually vibrant throughout the perimenopausal process and throughout menopause. Some of the symptoms I found that respond positively to Tantra include moodiness, vaginal dryness, decreased libido, dysparunia (pain with intercourse), and problems reaching orgasm.

As you enter perimenopause (this can begin up to 10 years prior to the onset on menpopause) you may notice changes in your libido, moods, and physical body. For some woman the change is gradual and for others it may create a number of challenges. While SkyDancing my not be able to address all the issues that may arise in menopause I found the following practices to be very helpful in addressing many common problems.

Chakra Talk

The seven major chakras are energy centers chakras along the length of the spine. They are associated with the endocrine system which mediates the hormones. Chakra Talk is a great way to connect to your “inner guidance system”. Menopause affects the entire body and by tuning into a particular chakra you can gather information and guidance on how to support your body as you go through menopause. This practice can be done alone or with a partner who can hold space, listen and take notes for you.

Close your eyes and breathe slowly and deeply until you begin to relax. Then, focus your attention inward and see which chakra desires to speak. Next, consciously connect with your chakra and invite it to speak through you. Make sure that it speaks in first person (e.g. “I, Heart, desire more time for day dreaming.” as opposed to “My heart says she wants to spend more time day dreaming.”). Allow yourself to listen deeply to what your chakras wisdom. There may be pauses as you tune in and listen. Continue until you perceive it has completed its communication. You can learn more about your chakras and how to communicate with them in The Art of Everyday Ecstasy by Margot Anand.

Opening the Inner Flute

I recommend doing this daily. This practice moves energy through all the chakras enhancing your sense of wellbeing and physical vitality. You can also do this practice prior to making love and /or incorporate it into your love making.

Here are 7 steps to opening your "Inner Flute."

1) Stand with your knees hip width apart and slightly bent.

2) Breathe through your mouth and into the belly, allowing it to expand.

3) Increase the energy by breathing in as if you are sipping through straw.

4) Allow your pelvis to rotate freely, keeping the knees bent. As you inhale rock the hips back, creating an arch in the back. As you exhale, tuck the tail bone under, flattening the back.

5) Add the PC pump. As you inhale squeeze the pelvic floor muscles pulling them upwards and as you exhale let them relax.

6) Put all the steps together. As you inhale imagine you are breathing the energy up from your root to your heart. Practice this until you feel the energy pulsing from your root to your heart. You can play with speeding up and slowing down your respiratory rate.

7) Once you have mastered connecting root and heart move the energy to the crown. Practice until you can feel the energy flowing from your root to your crown. See yourself as a rainbow bridge of light connecting Earth and Sky.

Self Pleasuring

Because menopause may affect your libido and sexual response it is very helpful to self pleasure regularly. Self pleasuring is a wonderful way for you to explore your body and sexual energy. It gives you time to discover how your needs are changing. You can take time to love your body and tune into the messages it is giving to you. It is an opportunity to learn what excites you without being concerned about your partner. Self pleasuring is not just about touching your yoni (genitals) it is about connecting to your whole body and becoming aware of its needs and desires. Experiment with different types of touch, pressure, speed and erogenous zones.

I recommend self-pleasure regularly. As you pleasure yourself stay open and present. Take this time to give yourself love and to tune in and listen to what is going on in your body. What messages does it have for you? Notice what feels good in enough detail that you could tell a lover how to do it in the same way.

"The Change" is often a process of rediscovering who you are and coming into a new relationship with yourself. This can also effect how you connect to your beloved. Self pleasuring can be an empowering way to gather information so you can communicate to your lover about how you like to be loved. This is a great way to deepen intimacy and increase the likelihood of being touched in the way that most pleases you.

Menopause is a time of change. It can be challenging for some women and empowering for others. It gives you an opportunity to connect to your body-wisdom in a new way. The practices of SkyDancing Tantra can be helpful in supporting you on your journey. Please feel free to contact me if you have questions or would like information about my forth coming book called Awakening Your Inner Goddess, How to be a Juicy Woman in 30 Days or Less.

Copyright 2010 Crystal Dawn Morris

Crystal Dawn Morris is a Certified Sky Dancing Tantra Teacher and the founder of Tantra for Awakening. She is committed to helping people integrate Tantra into every aspect of their lives through her workshops, coaching sessions and blog. Crystal is a Certified Nurse-Midwife and has been involved in women's health since 1984.
