Thursday, January 22, 2009

Discover the Path to Bliss- SkyDancing in Phoenix, 1/17/09
Magic happened! We gathered and spent the day exploring SkyDancing Tantra. Hearts opened, loved flowed and truth was expressed. Essence was shared and experienced by all. Thanks for showing up and being so authentic.

What a delightful day exploring the path to bliss. Ten people gathered in Phoenix and explored seeing the Divine in each other and in each moment. They learned how the create a bubble and share their desires, fears and boundaries. They visited their "Sacred Garden" and met their "Inner Lover."

Energy flowed as we used the 3 Keys to open the "Inner Flute" and expand the awareness of our true nature. Joy was had by all as we let go of past and future and discovered the bliss that is in every, Now moment.

We ended the day with the Heart Wave Meditation. This meditation which is done in a dyad and is based on an ancient Tibeatan Buddhist practice, allows you to move beyond, personality, thought and ego and melt into emptiness.

Wow! It was my birthday and I can't think of a better way to celebrate it than this.

Student Comments:

“This was the most energetic and transformational experiences I have ever had. To be able to open up and be honest with another person , and be honest with myself, without fear of my vulnerability. I feel I have taken a huge step on my path to discovering myself and the person I truly am . The sharing of the energy in the room was both inspiring and calming, joyous and safe, loving and nurturing. I look forward to more shared experiences with Crystal Dawn and the other people I met here. Namaste “
Carol F. Phoenix, AZ

“As a newcomer to Tantra, Crystal (and assistant Jim,) held an excellent group session that was very informative and had me very focused on the energy present. I certainly would do this again. Thanks Crystal (and Jim.)”
Larry B. – Phoenix, AZ

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